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Question #: 13558

Question: Does your 3/4 comb support 2 driver board on a single axis contro board output interface?

Current Solution

Yes, you can have two drivers connected to a single axis. If you want the two drivers/motors to work as a single, more concerted pair, then I would suggest connecting the two drivers to a single step pulse and direction signal.

That is to say:
driver 1 and driver 2 have wires connecting from the CP terminals of the drivers to a single step terminal on the interface board (USB or parallel breakout board), and the CW terminals of the drivers connected to a single direction terminal on the interface board.

If the motors need to spin in the opposite directions, simply reverse one of the the motor A B coil connections (i.e. wires that would go to A+ and A- is connected to the B+ and B-, and the same with the B+ and B- to the A+ and A-). You can alternatively resolve this mechanically if desired.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • Does your electronics combo allow 2 drivers on a single axis on the interface board?

    Yes, you can have two drivers connected to a single axis. If you want the two drivers/motors to work as a single, more concerted pair, then I would suggest connecting the two drivers to a single step pulse and direction signal.

    That is to say:
    driver 1 and driver 2 have wires connecting from the CP terminals of the drivers to a single step terminal on the interface board (USB or parallel breakout board), and the CW terminals of the drivers connected to a single direction terminal on the interface board.

    If the motors need to spin in the opposite directions, simply reverse one of the the motor A B coil connections (i.e. wires that would go to A+ and A- is connected to the B+ and B-, and the same with the B+ and B- to the A+ and A-). You can alternatively resolve this mechanically if desired.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Does your electronics combo allow 2 drivers on a single axis on the interface board?


    If your computer does not have a parallel port, all you will need is a low cost PCI parallel adapter card (these can be found on amazon for $15-$20). If you plan on using a laptop (not recommended) you can try to find a PCMCIA parallel adapter, but many people have frequent issues with this setup. A more expensive solution would be to purchase a USB smooth stepper board. Unfortunately, we do not supply any of these adapters and cannot attest to their reliability.

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    ur gay

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  • I am looking at your 3 axis CNC machine kit(part #101) on Amazon. Is the interface on this kit USB?

    The electronics combo with the sku of 101 on Amazon.com includes a parallel interface.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am looking at your 3 axis CNC machine kit(part #101) on Amazon. Is the interface on this kit USB?

  • Hi Do you know if your Mach3 interface board works with any of other of the current CAM programs such as MACH4?

    The Mach3 USB controller only works with Mach3. We have a controller that works with Mach3 and Mach4 called pokeys57CNC controller.
    Here is a link to that controller:

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    Hi Do you know if your Mach3 interface board works with any of other of the current CAM programs such as MACH4?

  • Hi Do you know if your Mach3 interface board works with any of other of the current CAM programs such as MACH4?

    The Mach3 USB controller only works with Mach3. We have a controller that works with Mach3 and Mach4 called pokeys57CNC controller.
    Here is a link to that controller:

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    Hi Do you know if your Mach3 interface board works with any of other of the current CAM programs such as MACH4?

  • What are the overall dimensions of the USB interface board? Is there a CAD model available?

    The dimensions for our USB breakout board are:

    L: 2.745"/ 69.723mm
    W: 2.244"/ 56.9976mm
    H: .501"/ 12.7254mm

    Currently we do not have a CAD model on hand.

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    What are the overall dimensions of the USB interface board? Is there a CAD model available?

  • [48] This kit came with DM542 driver what are the dip switch settings for this with the usb interface

    The dip switches for the DM542 are as follows:

    Switches 1, 2, and 3 relate to the amp setting for the motor connected to the driver. Take a look at the datasheet for the motor that you have. If you are connecting the 425 oz-in NEMA 24 motor, the Amp setting should be around 2.8, so the dip switch setting is 1-on, 2-on, and 3-off. If you are using a NEMA34 motor from buildyourcnc.com, set the amp rating to the highest at 1-off, 2-off, and 3-off.

    Switch 4 is the setting for half or full current when the motor is at idle. You can set this to either full or half, unless you are using a rack and pinion and the axis is experiencing a load, like gravity. In that case, make sure switch 4 is on for full current.

    Switches 5 to 8 relate to the number of micro steps for each step. A stepper motor with a 1.8-degree step will have 200 steps per rotation. If you wish to increase the number of steps per rotation, you can set these switches so that you can have more granularity. This will depend on the mechanical configuration of the axis you are setting. For instance, if you are using a lead screw that has a lead of 1/2" travel per turn, you will want to set the axis to at least 1/4, or 800 steps per rotation. If your mechanical configuration is rack and pinion, or roller chain, you may want a higher micro stepping to achieve greater than 1000/inch resolution on that axis. For instance, if the axis has a drive sprocket with a roller chain that has 14 teeth and the tooth pitch is 1/4", use a 1/16 microstepping setting or 3200 steps per rotation.

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    [48] This kit came with DM542 driver what are the dip switch settings for this with the usb interface


    If your computer does not have a parallel port, all you will need is a low cost PCI parallel adapter card (these can be found on amazon for $15-$20). If you plan on using a laptop (not recommended) you can try to find a PCMCIA parallel adapter, but many people have frequent issues with this setup. A more expensive solution would be to purchase a USB smooth stepper board. Unfortunately, we do not supply any of these adapters and cannot attest to their reliability.

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    ur gay

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  • can I control the speed of a 2.2 spindle through your 5 axis breakout board with relay?

    Yes, you can control the speed of the 2.2 kW spindle, and the other spindles we sell, through Mach3 software. It requires making some changes to the settings in Mach3 and in your inverter. It also requires an additional part, which is called a USB to Serial Converter, found on our site here:


    I have some additional instructions, that I will send upon request, by email. I will also be adding a complete tutorial and video, to the website, on how to do this soon.

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    can I control the speed of a 2.2 spindle through your 5 axis breakout board with relay?

  • Will your 2.5 KW spindle work with my Hitachi WJ200-022SF VFD and does it have a thermal couple temp output?

    From reading on the Hitachi WJ200-022SF VFD, it seems as it will work just fine with this VFD. However since we have not tried this cross match, I would carefully take each connection and setting into great consideration and detail on both the Hitachi recommendations for setup, as well as our spindles recommended setup.
    Our spindles do not have a thermal couple temperature output.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Will your 2.5 KW spindle work with my Hitachi WJ200-022SF VFD and does it have a thermal couple temp output?

  • Please explain how to connect 2.5AMP stepper motor driver to USB board. All parts are from your store. Thanks

    From the USB controller, the CP+ and CW+ are connected to the 5V terminal. The CP- is connected to the CP terminal of the driver and the CW- is connected to the CW terminal of the driver.

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    Please explain how to connect 2.5AMP stepper motor driver to USB board. All parts are from your store. Thanks

  • I'm planning on using your 425 oz motors and need help on selecting the right interface and driver boards. The PoKeys57 CNC USB card looks good but I wonder if the 2.5 amp driver boards shown with it are enough for the 3 amp motors?

    You can use the Pokeys57CNC board with our 3.0 amp drivers. The Pokeys57CNC has all of the headers necessary to provide the pulse train to any common stepper driver.

    Here is the link to the Pokeys57CNC interface board:

    Here is the link to the 3.0 amp stepper motor driver:

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    I'm planning on using your 425 oz motors and need help on selecting the right interface and driver boards. The PoKeys57 CNC USB card looks good but I wonder if the 2.5 amp driver boards shown with it are enough for the 3 amp motors?

  • What is the liquid input and output barb size on your 2.2kw water cooled spindle?

    The spindle water inlet and outlet fittings are 1/4 Inside Diameter and 3/8 Outside Diameter.

    You can find the silicone tubes here:

    This fitting will connect to the pump (1/2" male to 1/4" female):

    And this fitting will provide a reduced barbed size (1/4") for the tube:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What is the liquid input and output barb size on your 2.2kw water cooled spindle?

  • I would like to know if your breakout board and driver boards are compatible with MAC OS X working with Sketch Up pro using SketchUcam ?

    SketchUcam will output gcode which standard CNC control software will typically interpret, execute and control CNC machines. So, there is no problem using SketchUcam. However, our CNC machine control software that use our CNC machine interface boards require Windows OS, of Linux. The Mach3 USB board will only run with Mach3 control software which runs under the Windows OS. The parallel breakout board can run under Windows or Linux OS and the computer must contain a parallel port.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I would like to know if your breakout board and driver boards are compatible with MAC OS X working with Sketch Up pro using SketchUcam ?

  • [575] Can the 24VDC supply used for the interface board be the same supply used for stepper drivers, or do you need separate power supplies? If not, does GND and DCM need to be isolated?

    I would recommend using a separate 24VDC power supply for the controller. The 24VDC that is connected to the controller is used for delicate input signals and output signals that control external devices. To keep interference and possible current and voltage fluctuations at a minimum due to the motor load, a separate power supply would be best.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Can the 24VDC supply used for the interface board be the same supply used for stepper drivers, or do you need separate power supplies? If not, does GND and DCM need to be isolated?

  • Does Corel Draw support LaserCAD V8.10.21 as a plug-in using Windows 10?

    Yes, LaserCAD V8.10.21 supports the use of CorelDraw and the CorelDraw direct output. In Chapter 2 of the manual (link below) that focuses on the installation of LaserCAD. At the first part of the installation, you will be given a set of options including the LaserCAD installation and the installation of plugins for AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Remember that the CorelDraw plugin must be installed in the director of the CorelDraw software.

    In chapter 5, the manual will instruct you how to install the Manual Download Tool "AWCLaserCut" within the CorelDraw sofware using the Macros feature of CorelDraw.

    I hope this helps. Thanks!!


    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Does Corel Draw support LaserCAD V8.10.21 as a plug-in using Windows 10?

  • Good evening, if I wanted to use your inductive proximity sensor's with your USB interface board what would I need besides the sensors I would be using 5 of the sensors. I have a 48V 12amp power supply. Thank you

    I would suggest using the NPN proximity sensor for the Mach3 USB or the Pokeys57cnc. The proximity sensors have a top DC voltage limit of 30 volts, so it would be best to use the 24V power supply that is used to power the controller. Both controllers have a 24V power requirement, so that is convenient.

    The blue wire of the proximity sensor is the GND wire and is connected to the 24V power supply's V- terminal. The brown wire is the positive wire and is connected to the V+ terminal of the 24V power supply. The black wire is the signal wire and is connected to the input terminal of the controller.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Good evening, if I wanted to use your inductive proximity sensor's with your USB interface board what would I need besides the sensors I would be using 5 of the sensors. I have a 48V 12amp power supply. Thank you

  • wiring for nema 24 stepping motor to microstep driver CW230. With BlueBrew board .

    Three steps are involved: wiring the stepper motor to the CW230 driver, wiring the CW230 driver to the parallel controller and wiring power to the CW230 driver.

    Wiring the NEMA stepper motor to the CW230 driver:
    This will depend on the number of wires are coming out of the stepper motor. If the stepper motor has 8 wires, you want to wire it in bipolar parallel configuration. Check the datasheet of the motor for this configuration. If the motor has 6 or 4 wires, you don't necessarily need the datasheet, but it is quicker and more helpful. Otherwise, you can use a multimeter to determine the correct wires. Since both coils will have the same resistance across each, you can use a multimeter set to ohms, or resistance, to determine the wires for each coil. If there is OL on the multimeter for any two wires, that means it is an Open Line, or no connection. That could only mean that those wires are not on the same coil. If the reading shows a number, then those wires are on the same coil, and on a 4 wire stepper motor, that will be the wires to connect to either the A or B coil. If the resistance is half of a resistance of another set on a 6 wire stepper motor, then on of those wires if at the midpoint of a coil. On 6 wire motors, only use the wire pair that have the highest resistance. Those will be the wires on the ends of each coil. Connect one pair to the A terminals and the other pair to the B terminals.

    Wiring the CW230 driver to the controller:
    The Step-, or sometimes called CP- is connected to one of the numbered terminals between 2 and 7 and the DIR-, sometimes called the CW-, is connected to one of the numbered terminals between 2 and 7. X is typically connected to 2, and 3, step and DIR respectively. Y is typically connected to 4 and 5. Z is typically connected to 6 and 7. The 5v is connected to Step+, or CP- and DIR+, or CW+.

    Make sure that Mach3, or LinuxCNC is configured for this configuration under ports and pins in Mach3, or the stepconf in LinuxCNC.

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    Let me know if there are clarifications that are needed here.

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    wiring for nema 24 stepping motor to microstep driver CW230. With BlueBrew board .

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