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Question #: 13782

Question: I have the 2.2KW VFD. I would like to have it controlled through software. What are the Mode parameters that need to be changed that will allow FWD/ REV, START/STOP and RPM control?

Current Solution

What controller are you using to control the cnc machine (Mach3 usb, parallel breakout board, etc.)?

The spindle VFD has an input for 0-10 volts to control the speed and can be used with the MAch3 USB or the Pokeys57CNC board. There are also other terminals in the VFD to control the forwared/reverse and start and stop. Mach3 has parameters to control these output and you need to specify which pins are used for these.

You can also use the TX/RX RS-485 connection on the VFD to have total control using an FTDI USB to serial connector board to connect the computer directly to the VFD.

How to connect the USB to Serial adapter to the VFD:

FTDI USB to Serial:

Pokeys57CNC board:

Mach3 USB board:

Parallel Breakout board:

Additional Information:
I do apologize for leaving out the parts list.
Leadshine MX4660 4-Axis Digital Stepper Motor Driver
Ethernet SmoothStepper
YL600-2S-2K20 VFD
4 Relay control board
Has anyone had any success getting Mach3 to control the spindle speed and direction?


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • I would like to know what the lowest rpm that can be acheived with the 2.2kw spindle and inverter and still have enough torque to drill

    According to the supplier of the 2.2 kW spindle, the safest operating speed for the spindle is 6000 RPM. The supplier also stated that theoretically, the spindle can operate from 0 to 24,000 RPM. I am continuing a dialog with the supplier to delve deeper into understanding the configurations and ramifications of such configurations for operations outside of the safe boundaries into the "theoretical" ranges.

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    I would like to know what the lowest rpm that can be acheived with the 2.2kw spindle and inverter and still have enough torque to drill

  • I am building a wet plasma table for my shop that is 8'x 16'. I will need hardware and software. Please heko me wuth the list, My phone is 9124273734. I would like to talk with someone if possible. Thanks, Rus

    If you purchase the greenLean, you will get everything you need except a router, computer to operate the machine, and software to control the machine. You state that you have a computer. You can use this computer, but you will need to determine if it has a parallel port, or if you are going to need the USB controller option. As for the software, there are too many different options for you to choose from. We would not be able to tell you which to get, and how much it will cost you. This is a matter of preference. I can tell you, however, that you will need 3 types of software to complete a CNC project. You will need CAD software to design your design, CAM software to add tool paths and convert the design to g-code, and then control software to take the g-code and operate the machine.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am building a wet plasma table for my shop that is 8'x 16'. I will need hardware and software. Please heko me wuth the list, My phone is 9124273734. I would like to talk with someone if possible. Thanks, Rus

  • However it how do I get the software to work? PlanetCNC sent me a key that looks like it will only work with a backup control board I purchased from them?

    When you plug the USB controller into the computer using a USB cable, and the planet-cnc software is running, you will be presented with a dialog box that will contain a text box for the key that you received from the planet-cnc folks.

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    Is there any other software that will work with your controller Mach3? Thanks for the help!

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    However it how do I get the software to work? PlanetCNC sent me a key that looks like it will only work with a backup control board I purchased from them?

  • sorry, this is what i meant to say: OK, so if I use the USB version then I would find the rotary/linear axis definitions in the planet cnc control software somewhere. I will be needing to change axis type often for various projects that is why I am asking.

    You can download a trial version of PlanetCNC software from their site at http://www.planet-cnc.com/index.php?page=software to see how you like the interface. If you look at their main GUI screen, along the left side you will see 4 boxes labeled X,Y,Z and A. These represent the axes the software is equipped to control. (A being Axial, or rotational motion) Typically a separate motor and driver is used to control each axis. If you plan to switch axes you will need to connect and disconnect the outputs from your software to the drivers.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    sorry, this is what i meant to say: OK, so if I use the USB version then I would find the rotary/linear axis definitions in the planet cnc control software somewhere. I will be needing to change axis type often for various projects that is why I am asking.

  • I have wired up my 110v VFD and my 2.2Kw spindle and I get an E.Lu.5 code. My wiring is correct and the parameters are set to those for the VFD according to your website I found in a previously answered question from someone here. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

    The E.Lu.5 Error code on your VFD is related to Low Voltage.

    The recommended action is:
    - 1. Check whether the input voltage is normal. (the voltage from the wall/breaker to the VFD)
    - 2. Check whether there is a sudden change in load.
    - 3. Check whether there is any phase missing.

    Unfortunately, these three recommended actions will probable require an electrician to test the line going into the VFD.

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    I have wired up my 110v VFD and my 2.2Kw spindle and I get an E.Lu.5 code. My wiring is correct and the parameters are set to those for the VFD according to your website I found in a previously answered question from someone here. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

  • I am loking for a kit that can cut 4x8 material and would be ready to cut when assembled. plus what computer and software are needed to be ready to cut?

    The greenLean machine comes with the entire structure and features a 4'x8' cutting area. You will still need some hookup wire to connect the electronics and silicone tubing for the water to and from the spindle.

    greenLean Machine: https://buildyourcnc.com/item/cnc-machine-greenLean-v1

    Thanks for answering my last question. So I have two follow-up questions from the response. The green leaf stands vertical is it designed for the material to be cut without falling free once it is cut through? And second question: you metioned water running to the spindle is this a cooling system for the spindle?

    You would use holding tabs to keep the parts from falling out of the cut areas. Holding tabs are generated as part of the CAM file. Yes, this is the way the spindle is cooled. This is far superior to air cooling. Air cooling will blow the chips all over the shop.

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    I am loking for a kit that can cut 4x8 material and would be ready to cut when assembled. plus what computer and software are needed to be ready to cut?

  • If I purchase a greenBull 6X Long Z CNC Machine Kit and Mach3, what else would be required to assemble the working machine? I have CAD software.

    You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
    There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

    - PC with parallel port and USB port
    - 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
    - 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
    - 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
    (location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
    - General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
    - USB cable to power breakout board
    - Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
    - Router
    - (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
    - (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
    - End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
    - CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
    - CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    If I purchase a greenBull 6X Long Z CNC Machine Kit and Mach3, what else would be required to assemble the working machine? I have CAD software.


    You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
    There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

    - PC with parallel port and USB port
    - 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
    - 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
    - 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
    (location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
    - General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
    - USB cable to power breakout board
    - Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
    - Router
    - (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
    - (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
    - End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
    - CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
    - CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

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  • I bought and downloaded about 2 years ago, recently my PC that I use for my CNC crashed and now have to reinstall Mach3 but the license download has since expired. What I need to do to activate the software?

    I can send you a new license. All you need to do is email me at customerservice@buildyourcnc.com and state the name the license is under and I will send you another license.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought and downloaded about 2 years ago, recently my PC that I use for my CNC crashed and now have to reinstall Mach3 but the license download has since expired. What I need to do to activate the software?

  • I have purchased cable carrier chain and would like to know if you could send me a copy of that order as I need to purchase extra lengths of the links I bought. Thanks

    If you were logged in when you made the purchase, you can click the "My Account" link at the top of any page on this website and see all of your orders, order line items (with direct links to these items), and shipment information.

    Here is a link to the "My Account" page for your convenience:

    I did not see your username on your internal customer record, so I added this username and you should be able to see the information in the "My Account" page.

    Additional Information:
    I just tested your accounts page and the cable carrier links are in there. Thanks and please let me know if you need further assistance.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have purchased cable carrier chain and would like to know if you could send me a copy of that order as I need to purchase extra lengths of the links I bought. Thanks

  • [59] is it ok to use one pin for all of the limit switches wired NC and another pin for a z probe that is NO, or do all input pins need to be the same (NC or NO)? I would like to use LinuxCNC but will use Mach3 if necessary. a thanks!

    It's generally acceptable to use one pin for all of your limit switches wired Normally Closed (NC), and another separate pin for a Z probe that is Normally Open (NO). LinuxCNC is quite flexible and allows for mixed configurations of NC and NO switches.

    Just ensure you configure LinuxCNC correctly to recognize each pin's logic (Active low or active high). And perhaps run a few tests before running the machine.

    Additional Information:
    It's generally acceptable to use one pin for all of your limit switches wired Normally Closed (NC), and another separate pin for a Z probe that is Normally Open (NO). LinuxCNC is quite flexible and allows for mixed configurations of NC and NO switches.

    Just ensure you configure LinuxCNC correctly to recognize each pin's logic (Active low or active high). And perhaps run a few tests before running the machine.

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    [59] is it ok to use one pin for all of the limit switches wired NC and another pin for a z probe that is NO, or do all input pins need to be the same (NC or NO)? I would like to use LinuxCNC but will use Mach3 if necessary. a thanks!

  • [575] I have the wiring and programming and parameters set the same way that you do in the spindle speed control and outputs videos, I can start and stop the spindle with mach3 but can't seem to control the speed. Can you think of solutions?

    Do you have an oscilloscope? You will be able to see the PWM signal and determine if the output is correct. Make sure that you are using the 10V from the VFD as the voltage reference for the 10V terminal on the Mach3 USB controller. The 10V terminal is an input, not an output on the Mach3 USB controller. The 10V is the top voltage signal level that the Mach3 USB controller uses for the PWM signals 100% duty cycle.

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    [575] I have the wiring and programming and parameters set the same way that you do in the spindle speed control and outputs videos, I can start and stop the spindle with mach3 but can't seem to control the speed. Can you think of solutions?

  • Have checked stepper motor wires dozens of times and they are wired like diagram says. Stepper motors will not turn under power. I am using laser control option. What should I do?

    This sounds like a problem with the step (pulse) signal. The driver motors receive two signals from the computer via the board -- one is high or low and tells the motors which direction to turn, one is a square wave pulsed signal(quick that tells the motor to turn or a constant high signal that tells the motor to maintain its position. With an oscilliscope you can check for proper signal at the board. If you bought the board from us, please contact us to arrange a return authorization.

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    Have checked stepper motor wires dozens of times and they are wired like diagram says. Stepper motors will not turn under power. I am using laser control option. What should I do?


    This will depend on the VFD you have to identify the correct terminal. The terminal on the VFD will be labeled AI1 typically (Analog Input #1). You will also need to make sure to complete the PWM circuit using the GND terminal on the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    I have wired my 0-10V signal to the AI1 and GND terminals as suggested. I have also set the PD-01 and PD-02 settings to 1. Still nothing. Is there something else that I am missing?

    Additional Information:
    Thanks for the information. Can you let me know the model of the VFD that you have?

    Additional Information:
    VFD Model # YL600-2S-2K20

    Additional Information:
    Thanks. I will check our resources and documentation to see if there is another programming setting that needs to be changed.

    Additional Information:
    Does your VFD have a VI terminal?

    Additional Information:
    No, it does not. The terminals for this VFD are as follows (seperated by dashes "-").


    Additional Information:
    Do you have a PD070 parameter?

    PD070 is the main Analog Input parameter.

    The options for that parameter is:
    0: 0-10V
    1: 0-5V
    2: 0-20mA
    3: 4-20mA
    4: 0-10V (4-20mA Stacked)
    5: XIA
    6: (VI+XIA)/2
    7: (3VA+XIA)/4
    8: (XIA_XIB)/2
    9: Max (XIA, XIB)
    10: Min (XIA, XIB)

    Additional Information:
    There is a PD-00 thru PD-09. PD-07 is currently set to 0.

    Additional Information:
    It appears that the manual I’m using “Titled YL600” is not the same as your unit. I will check our manuals and find the one that has only PD-00 to PD-09.

    Additional Information:
    For that VFD, the parameters are P0. The 0 may look like a D on the display.

    The parameters that need to be changed for the AI1 to work (Brackets [] around the correct selection):

    P0-01: First Motor Control Mode
    - 0: Sensorless Vector Control
    - 1: Flux Vector Control (FVC)
    - [2]: V/F Control

    P0-02: Options of Command Source
    - 0: Operation Panel Command Channel (LED will be off)
    - [1]: Terminal Command Channel (LED will be on)
    - 2: Communication Command Channel (LED will flicker)

    P0-03: Options of Principle Frequency Source X
    - 0: Digital Setting (Preset Frequency P0-08, UP/DOWN modifiable, no power-down memory)
    - 1: Digital Setting (Preset Frequency P0-08, UP/DOWN modifiable, with power-down memory)
    - [2]: AI1
    - 3: AI2
    - 4: AI3
    - 5: Pulse Setting (DI5)
    - 6: Multi Speed Instruction
    - 7: Simple PLC
    - 8: PID (Proportional Integral Derivative Control)
    - 9: Communication Given

    P0-11: Upper Limit Frequency Source
    - 0: P0-12 (Make sure the P0-12 parameter has the correct max frequency if used)
    - [1]: AI1
    - 2: AI2
    - 3: AI3
    - 4: Pulse Setting
    - 5: Communication Given

    P0-27: Command Source Bundle with Frequency Sources
    Single Digit: Options of Operation Panel Command Bundle with Frequency Sources
    - 0: No Bundling
    - 1: Digital Setting Frequency
    - [2]: AI1
    - 3: AI2
    - 4: AI3
    - 5: Pulse Setting (DI5)
    - 6: Multi Speed Instruction
    - 7: Simple PLC
    - 8: PID
    - 9: Communication Given
    Double Digit: Options of Terminal Command Bundle with Frequency Sources
    Hundred Place: Options of Communication Command Bundle with Frequency Sources
    Kilobit: Options of Automatic Operation Bundle with Frequency Sources

    P2-09: Upper Limit Source of Lower Torque Under Speed Control Mode
    - 0: Function Code P2-10 Setting
    - [1]: AI1
    - 2: AI2
    - 3: AI3
    - 4: Pulse Setting
    - 5: Communication Given
    - 6: MIN (Al1, Al2)
    - 7: MAX (Al1, Al2)
    - Maximum range for options 1-7, accords with P2-10

    If you elect to use a different AI#, then configure the parameters (P0-03, P0-11, P0-27 and P2-09) accordingly.

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  • I would like to build a low cost laser engraver/ cutter, can your 40w laser power supply be controlled with an arduino or is it only controlled by the controller sold here?

    You can control our 40W laser power supply (which controls the laser tube) with an Arduino, if that is your intention. The trigger for turning the laser on and off uses a 5V level. To control intensity, you can use the Arduino PWM output. If you want the Arduino to move the machine as well (providing pulse trains to each of the stepper motor drivers) then you will need to make sure you consider the processing speed of the Arduino so you will be able to run the stepper motors at the speed you need for the laser engraving/cutting.

    Our laser controller do all of these functions. Here is a link to our laser control system:

    Additional Information:
    Thank you! I am building a 3 axis cnc/ engraver and I think this would be a good option as well as the router head and the 3d printing head. How heavy is the tube? I may mount it directly onto one of the axis of the machine to eliminate the need to line up all three axis, similar to what you have with your xl engraver.

    Additional Information:
    The tube isn't that heavy, but when filled with water, it can get up to a few pounds. The key is to use the axis moving the nozzle for engraving as this requires fast back and forth motion. The cutting is generally dependent on the axes moving from vector to vector at a relatively slow motion, so this is not a problem.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I would like to build a low cost laser engraver/ cutter, can your 40w laser power supply be controlled with an arduino or is it only controlled by the controller sold here?

  • Would I be able to use the Mach3 CNC Control Software or any of the CNC CAM Software(BOBCAD/CAM,CAMBAM) if I choose to use the Planet-CNC USB Interface Board?

    Planet-CNC is the control software. If you decide to use the USB controller, you will need to use the planet-CNC software as the control software. You will be able to use any of the CAM software applications with the planet-CNC control software.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Would I be able to use the Mach3 CNC Control Software or any of the CNC CAM Software(BOBCAD/CAM,CAMBAM) if I choose to use the Planet-CNC USB Interface Board?

  • I am looking at purchasing a blacktooth laser system but after reading some of the post I am unsure if laser power is under software control. Is laser power ( on/off) directly controlled with the off the shelf hardware and software

    The on/off laser control for the blackTooth laser system is controlled by software. Software controls a digital trigger on the laser power supply that turns the laser on and off.

    Our blackTooth works more like a CNC machine where g-code is used as the instructions to cut and engrave. Generally, CNC machines have a z-axis that moves up and down. When the z-axis is moving down, the end mill (cutting tool) is penetrating the surface of the material to be cut. We use this same technique to control the laser on and off. If the z-axis is in the down state, the laser is on. If the z-axis is in the up state, the laser turns off. All of this is automatically generated in the g-code when the machining operations are created in CAM software. This eliminates the need for an expensive laser controller board; however, a traditional laser controller board can be used with our system.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am looking at purchasing a blacktooth laser system but after reading some of the post I am unsure if laser power is under software control. Is laser power ( on/off) directly controlled with the off the shelf hardware and software

  • I have the same water for months to cool the spindel and it's blocked, what can I use to unblock it? I would not like to damage any seal or gasket inside.

    Usually this does happen, we tend to clean the water out roughly every month, however we use our machine 8hrs a day, 7 days a week non stop. So Depending on your usage it might be every 3-5 months when you might have to change the water.

    We use a small air compressor to blow the build up through the spindle.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have the same water for months to cool the spindel and it's blocked, what can I use to unblock it? I would not like to damage any seal or gasket inside.

  • I am interested in purchasing the Green Lean complete kit and also buy the ArtCamPro what other software will I need to up and running?

    If you were to buy all of that, only thing you'll need is the mach3 software to run the machine.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am interested in purchasing the Green Lean complete kit and also buy the ArtCamPro what other software will I need to up and running?

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