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Question #: 13930

Question: Can I use Mach4 with the Fabricator Pro?

Current Solution

Yes, you can use Mach4 wtih the Fabricator Pro CNC machine.

We have not designed a metal machine like the Fabricator Pro to lean more in the vertical orientation. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten any requests for that style of machine, and the greenLean, although a great machine and space saver, has not been our best seller.

If we get more interest in this type of machine, we would have no problem designing a machine like this.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • Do you have a model of the Fabricator pro that can be inclined line the lean? I have seen a few other machines on the market like this. Can we use Mach4 with the fabricator pro

    Yes, you can use Mach4 wtih the Fabricator Pro CNC machine.

    We have not designed a metal machine like the Fabricator Pro to lean more in the vertical orientation. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten any requests for that style of machine, and the greenLean, although a great machine and space saver, has not been our best seller.

    If we get more interest in this type of machine, we would have no problem designing a machine like this.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Do you have a model of the Fabricator pro that can be inclined line the lean? I have seen a few other machines on the market like this. Can we use Mach4 with the fabricator pro

  • Can I use the driver's I have with the Pokey57

    Since the Pokey57CNC outputs standard pulse and direction signals, you can use any stepper driver. So, you do not need to use the Postep driver to operate your stepper motors.

    The Pokey57CNC control board is extremely feature rich and can be use to control very complex light or heavy CNC systems. Since most CNC system use high current drivers, the Pokey57CNC can be used with these systems.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Can I use the driver's I have with the Pokey57

  • Hi ! Can I use the redFly System with a Raspberry Pi ?

    Yes, since the Raspberry Pi has the ability to communicate using its GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins, software loaded on the Raspberry Pi can be connected directly to stepping (stepper) motor drivers. The redFly can be retrofitted to replace the breakout board so the Raspberry Pi can live within the redFly case.

    Since the Raspberry Pi can communicate using other methods (i.e. USART), the Raspberry Pi can be alternatively connected to another board that interprets the serial communication into g-code. This scenario would be use if the GPIO pins are inaccessible, or used for other functions.

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    Hi ! Can I use the redFly System with a Raspberry Pi ?

  • can I use the usb on the parallel breakout board with planet cmc

    The USB on the Parallel breakout board, is used for powering the board itself (5v USB), and the Parallel to communicate directly between the drivers and the computer/mach 3.
    Planet-CNC cannot be used with our Parallel Breakout Board, it is only intend to be used with Mach 3/other open source programs.

    To use Planet-CNC, please refer to our USB breakout board! (https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/electronicsAndMotors-electronic-component-USB-Controller-Breakout)

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    can I use the usb on the parallel breakout board with planet cmc


    I haven't delved into using encoders with stepping motors too much. From my research, you need to have a controller that can provide the closed loop control, rather than software handling that process. I have also found from my research that using encoders on stepping motors is generally used to stop the machine in the case that the motor failed to achieve the commanded position for some reason and gives the user the chance to correct and continue with the job.

    If you want proper closed loop control, it may be best to go with servos and servo controller that provide the closed loop control within the real of those two components.

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  • Can I use Mach3 or 4 with your USB controller PCA?

    The USB controller board is currently only compatible with Planet-CNC software.

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    Can I use Mach3 or 4 with your USB controller PCA?

  • Can I use your USB interface board and Mach4 on my 3 axis CNC router?

    The USB interface that we sell only works with planet-cnc software. We will be developing our own USB board and plug-in that will work with Mach4 very soon.

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    does the mach3 usb interface board work with mach4?

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    Can I use your USB interface board and Mach4 on my 3 axis CNC router?

  • 4 axis kit can I use 2 motors for the gantry with one controller card? or I buy the 3 axis kit instead?

    Yes, you can use the 4 axis kit and use two of the motors on the gantry. You will need to wire the gantry axis motors to the same step and direction signals on the controller interface. For example, if the gantry axis is the X axis, then on the controller step and direction terminals (CP and CW) is wired to both of the stepper motor drivers for the X axis.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    4 axis kit can I use 2 motors for the gantry with one controller card? or I buy the 3 axis kit instead?

  • can I purchase the 2' x 4' laser with an 80 watt tube?

    We offer a 4'x8' laser system that uses an 80 watt laser tube.
    Vertical Laser XL 4'x8'

    Our blackTooth 24"x20" laser uses a 40 watt laser tube due to the internal size constraints and that the laser tube is mounted on the gantry for ease of aligning and maintaining better power at the cutting end.
    blackTooth 24"x20" Laser

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    can I purchase the 2' x 4' laser with an 80 watt tube?

  • How fast can I cut 1/4" wood with the 40 watt CO2 laser?

    CO2 laser will not cut wood material fast at all. This is just the nature of the laser energy. The wood is a very low absorbent of the laser energy and you will need to run probably around 10 ipm to cut through the wood. CNC is much more efficient for cutting and laser as more efficient at marking or slowly cutting if you need the small kerf. You will also need a relatively high output air source to cut efficiently. The air will blow away the char (carbon) on the wood. The black char will absorb most of the laser energy not allowing the wood to be cut well. We use a compressor for the air source, but you can use a commercial hydroponic air pump instead.

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    How fast can I cut 1/4" wood with the 40 watt CO2 laser?

  • what size circuit breaker should I use with the 2.2KW VFD?

    The 2.2kW spindle has a power rating of 2.2kW or 2200 watts.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 220 volts, then 2200 watts / 220 volts is 10 amps, so a 15 or 20 amp breaker will work.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 110 volts, then 2200 watts / 110 volts is 20 amps, so a 25 or 30 amp breaker will work.

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    what size circuit breaker should I use with the 2.2KW VFD?

  • [575] Hi, Can I use this board with a closed loop stepper?

    Yes, this CNC controller can be used with closed-loop stepper drivers and motors. The loop for control and feedback is between the driver and the motor. The closed-loop driver receives step and direction signals, which this controller will output which furnishes the driver with the necessary signals to move the motor. Additionally, the closed-loop driver can output a fault signal to this controller through the controller's input terminals in case the motor should encounter a situation that prevents the motor from moving so the CNC can shut down.

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    [575] Hi, Can I use this board with a closed loop stepper?


    There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: http://www.macuser.de/forum/f53/3d-2d-cad-395058/#post4499316
    I've also read good things about punchCAD: http://www.punchcad.com/
    Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them.

    CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels.

    Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine.

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    EasyDNC for OSX

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    Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys!
    My email if needed is r1jastrzebski@gmail.com

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  • Can I cousult with you on the cnc package I'm interested in?

    Consulting our sales dept, or employee, For a specific package that you might want to inquire about, please email customerservice@buildyourcnc.com for further assistance.

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    Can I cousult with you on the cnc package I'm interested in?


    There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: http://www.macuser.de/forum/f53/3d-2d-cad-395058/#post4499316
    I've also read good things about punchCAD: http://www.punchcad.com/
    Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them.

    CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels.

    Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine.

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    EasyDNC for OSX

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    Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys!
    My email if needed is r1jastrzebski@gmail.com

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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  • can you offer the blackToe 2'x4', Combo #1 (Plans with DVD) on amazon so I can use my amazon credit to purchase?
  • Can I power the Mach3 USB interface 24V with a 48V power supply?

    The Mach3 USB interface card uses 5V (powered from the computer's USB) and a 24v to power the inputs, outputs and spindle control

    the mach3 usb interface can be found here:


    But the mach3 usb does not absolutely need the 24V supply. The 24v supply is only needed if you will be using limit switches (I1-4), VFD controlled automatically and for use with the outputs (O1-4)

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    The 36v 8.8 amp power supply we typically recommend is for powering the stepper motor drivers.

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    Can I power the Mach3 USB interface 24V with a 48V power supply?

  • I know you cant cut it but can you etch stainless steel with the laser?

    No you cannot sketch any kind of metal unless its coated from the molecular level or having it coated individually. However there are some types of coatings (Thermark and Cermark) that you can use to coat the steel so that you will be able to use our laser machine to sketch any metal.

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    I know you cant cut it but can you etch stainless steel with the laser?

  • Can I increase the travel speed of my machine with different lead screws?

    Changing your lead screws from a tight to a lose lead will definitely make your machine move faster as long as your stepper motors can handle the new torque that the lead screws will impose.

    Here is an example of a speed change from one lead screw to another:
    - Existing constants in the example: Stepper Motor steps 200, microstepping 1/8 making the total steps 200 * 8 = 1600.
    - Old lead screw: 1/2" allthread = 13 threads per inch (UNC)
    - New Lead Screw: 1/2" 5 starts, 10 TPI = 10 / 5 = 2 turns per inch

    Old lead screw would achieve a steps per inch of:
    1600 / (1 inch / 13 turns) = 20,800 steps per inch (You can also express the calculation as 1600 * 13 = 20,800 steps/inch)

    New lead screw would achieve a steps per inch of:
    1600 / (1 inch / 2 turns) = 3200 steps per inch

    You can see that the new lead screw requires far fewer steps to get to the same length of travel. If you maintained the same velocity for both examples, the new lead screw would travel the same distance 13/2 = 6.5 times faster. So, if your velocity was say 10 ipm, your new velocity would be 65 ipm. That would translate to far fewer burned edges and longer end mill life!

    Just remember, confirm that your motors will be able to handle the new lead screw. You will need to reduce the steps/inch causing the motor torque to increase quite a bit, so you should be fine.

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    Can I increase the travel speed of my machine with different lead screws?

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