I installed a pokeys57cnc and use Mach3 for the mill. When I page up or down the Z axis moves down. Is there a setting I need to change? I checked the Z axis wiring and it matches the X and Y axis

If the Z-Axis is moving down when you press the page up or page down (or by moving the z-axis by another means like with an MPG, Pendant, or the built-in MPG in Mach3), then the direction signal wire is not connected correctly. The direction signal wire works by moving in one direction with a low signal (like gnd) and moving in the other direction with a high signal (like 5v). If the signal stays at one of the two signals, it will only move in the direction of the current signal state. Recommended action is to determine if the DIR- and DIR+ signal wires are connected securely and make good contact at the driver and controller sides.

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