Microcontroller Tutorial
Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC (Analog t...
Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) This is where we UP the anty with Mrs. ADC. Do you have the faith? Do you think she...
Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC (Analog t...
Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) This is where we UP the anty with Mrs. ADC. Do you have the faith? Do you think she...
I2C/TWI Programming Video. Creating the Code!
I2C/TWI Programming Video. Creating the Code! This video will explain the programming I2C or TWI in detail. An accelerometer with I2C functionality serves as the slave device and an ATMega...
I2C/TWI Programming Video. Creating the Code!
I2C/TWI Programming Video. Creating the Code! This video will explain the programming I2C or TWI in detail. An accelerometer with I2C functionality serves as the slave device and an ATMega...
UART Tutorial: One Way Communication from Chip-...
UART Tutorial: One Way Communication from Chip-to-Chip The Transmitting Chip's Program: #define numberOfButtons 1 include #include"ButtonPress.h" int main(void) { DDRB |= 1 << PINB1; DDRB &= ~(1 << PINB0); PORTB...
UART Tutorial: One Way Communication from Chip-...
UART Tutorial: One Way Communication from Chip-to-Chip The Transmitting Chip's Program: #define numberOfButtons 1 include #include"ButtonPress.h" int main(void) { DDRB |= 1 << PINB1; DDRB &= ~(1 << PINB0); PORTB...
Using the UART and USART to Communicate Using t...
Using the UART and USART to Communicate Using the AVR Microcontroller Here is the plain english information to understand the USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver). That is to say, the...
Using the UART and USART to Communicate Using t...
Using the UART and USART to Communicate Using the AVR Microcontroller Here is the plain english information to understand the USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver). That is to say, the...
Controlling a Hobby Servo using an Arduino
Controlling a Hobby Servo using an Arduino We will control a hobby servo using an Arduino (AVR) microcontroller by outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal from the microcontroller to...
Controlling a Hobby Servo using an Arduino
Controlling a Hobby Servo using an Arduino We will control a hobby servo using an Arduino (AVR) microcontroller by outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal from the microcontroller to...
Introduction to PWM for the AVR (Atmel) Microco...
Introduction to PWM for the AVR (Atmel) Microcontrollers PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation and is the method to produce variable voltages using digital means. Typically, variable voltages come from...
Introduction to PWM for the AVR (Atmel) Microco...
Introduction to PWM for the AVR (Atmel) Microcontrollers PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation and is the method to produce variable voltages using digital means. Typically, variable voltages come from...