There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: I've also read good things about punchCAD: Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them. CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels. Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine. Additional Information: Additional Information: EasyDNC for OSX Additional Information: Additional Information: Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys! My email if needed is Additional Information: Additional Information: Hi , thank you for your advise! Additional Information: Hi , thank you for your advise! Additional Information: Hi , thank you for your advise! Additional Information: Hi , thank you for your advise! Additional Information: