Difference between wood and Aluminum

This machine is made of MDO panel, which is an exterior type plywood with a weather-resistant resin overlay bonded to the wood by heat and pressure. This process fuses the molecules of the overlay with the fibres of the wood to form a bond as strong as the wood itself. MDO has all the advantages of regular plywood as well as additional properties. The overlay, which has 28% resin content, resists water, weather, wear and degradation. The overlay, which has 28% resin content, resists water, weather, wear and degradation. MDO plywood is resistant to the elements with no danger of rust or corrosion. Something else to consider is the thermal expansion between Aluminum, steel, and wood. When an object is heated or cooled, its length changes by an amount proportional to the original length and the change in temperature and wood has the least expansion. You also have to take into consideration design for our machines. Good structural design adds strength and stability for extra loads in a particular location and load condition is essential perquisite for a strong structure. We manufacture all of our machines with a greenBull, which has been in use for 3 years now. Previously we were cutting with a blackFoot and decided to go with a larger machine. Our production begins promptly every morning from 9:00am to 5:00pm continuously five days a week and the there has been no issues. I agree with the person who suggested that you purchase a spindle. A spindle, although more expensive than a router will have a longer lifespan. Within a year, depending on usage, I would go through an average of 3-4 routers. Last year we purchased a spindle and have seen a huge difference. Longevity, quietness, and less dust being blown everywhere like the air cooled router did. Additionally, the spindle provides consistent torque and horse power which a router can't compete with, resulting in increased productivity. Well, I hope I have answers some of your concerns? And if you have any further question please don't hesitate to ask.

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