Mach3 status showed PWM Bumped to Minimum Setting. The CNC machine stopped
If mach3 displays a message in the status line with "PWM Bumped to Minimum Setting" and the CNC router or CNC machine stopped in the middle of the milling, you will need to do the following: - Note the current g-code line where the machine stopped. - Exit Mach3 - you may find that reset, stop does nothing to stop the spindle. When you exit mach3, the spindle will stop automatically. - Restart Mach3. The DRO (Digital Readout) should show the correct coordinates where the machine position was before exiting Mach3. - Scroll to the g-code line where the machine stopped. You may need to go a few lines prior to make sure you are not skipping any machining operations (which is why it is a good idea to learn the basics of g-code - don't worry, it's easy) - Click on the "Run from Here" button. - Mach3 will present you with a "Preparation Move" dialog box with the location that it will move to. If the coordinates shows a position that is into the material, make sure to specify a rapid height (clearance height) so the machine will move up first and then move to the location before moving down into the material. If the spindle is automatically controlled by Mach3, make sure to check the turn spindle on checkbox. If not, make sure the router or spindle is on before clicking OK. Additional Information: How to wire a laser to usb mach3 control board? Additional Information: