Why doesn't the diagnostic show these bits changing, even though the handcontroller and buttons signals are making it thru to the manage plugins page, while Mach3 is running.
Are you using a pendant that is plugged into the pendant connector of the Mach3 USB board? What is the pendant manufacturer? Or are you using a wireless pendant that requires a different plug-in? Thanks Additional Information: Hi, thanks for the reply. Here's a little background first. I'm running Mach3 on a Lenovo X220 laptop, with Windows 7 Pro. The interface board is RnRMotion USB Card STB4100, the newer version with a 10 pin IDC connector for the hand controller. I built the hand controller/MPG from scratch, as I have many times before on different projects. I Teach Computer Engineering at SUNY in New York. It consists of several push button switches and an MPG (which uses two pull-up resistors). I saw that IN1-4 had built in pull ups shown in the boards literature. The switches and MPG are working fine, at least to the point of making some switch actions visible in Mach 3. These are the X,Y,Z,X10,X100. The check boxes in manage plugins window, show the states changing, but no where else in Mach3. The boxes in that panel were grayed out, but still responded to the switches. There are no indicators for the MPG that I could find. This leads me to suspect software and drivers. I am confused about the Pin and port numbers. Mach3 has defaults to 0 or numbering reflecting the old pin numbering, that would be bogus considering the USB interface would make those obsolete. I did see places where The USB board controller was assigned to port 3. Many of the pins are never numbered, yet were supposed to be enabled. Now, I have tried some many solutions that I might have an unusable setup. This brings me to another question concerning the license I purchased. The version of Mach3 that was loaded when I got my license was very old, and I wonder if it has been corrupted. Can I download a fresh version of Mach3, will that license work or are there special instructions to do so? Can I transfer the license to an older XP machine? I'd rather not since that machine isn't portable. To your question about the controller, I'm using a 10 wire cable directly to the USB board. It isn't wireless. I do have control of the motors. I can load G-code and the axis motors run as expected. I suspect and addressing problem or incorrect setup. I Teach Computer Engineering at SUNY in New York. I hope this provides enough info to affect a quick resolution with your help. Thanks for your help in advance. J. Caretti