D556 driver has green light flashing have no movement x axis

The green light flashing does not seem to be listed as a fault condition. Does the red LED turn on, or do you see the red LED blinking? Additional Information: why does the z axis not work with the condition of the blinking red light driver DM556, what's the solution ..? thank you Additional Information: When the system is turned on, the driver starts to turn on, but the green light flashes constantly and that axis does not work. Additional Information: Have you tried reducing the amp setting? Try that and see what happens. Remember to power off the driver before making any changes. Additional Information: Hi! I bet its pretty old question but i had same problem. On of my dm556 needed new power integral and another one didnt want to start cause broken mosfet (short circuit) Additional Information: Hi! I bet its pretty old question but i had same problem. On of my dm556 needed new power integral and another one didnt want to start cause broken mosfet (short circuit) Additional Information: Hi! I bet its pretty old question but i had same problem. On of my dm556 needed new power integral and another one didnt want to start cause broken mosfet (short circuit) Additional Information: Today i had same issue. Problem is in coil distance to case. If it works fine without case you have to bend coil (black part near capacitors) and it will be fine ;d Additional Information: Today i had same issue. Problem is in coil distance to case. If it works fine without case you have to bend coil (black part near capacitors) and it will be fine ;d

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