how to configure the Z probe using the pokey57cnc controller
If you do the following, you can get mach3 to recognize the probe. In mach3, go to config, ports and pins, input signals, and scroll down to probe. Check enabled, active low, and emulated. Ignore the ports, pins and keys. They are set automatically. Go to Mach3 Plugin Control tab, select Configure Pokeys57CNC. Go to pulse engine settings tab, and under the probing input in the lower left corner of the page, scroll down and select Pin 19. Click apply. Close and restart mach 3. When you go to diagnostics page in mach3 after it’s reopened, the digitize light indicates whether the probe circuit is closed. IF it’s lit, it’s closed. IF not, it’s not. If this information exists anywhere else, I couldn’t find it. I found it through working with poblocks, which also updated my pokeys57cnc firmware.