spindle not turning

I recently purchased a 6040 in march. I have taken very good care of it. Have not abused it. I have about 20 hours on the 1.5kw water cooled spindle of machine time cutting carbon fiber at stupid slow speeds. Last night, no bueno. Spindle will not run. I have no clue what happened. Spindle was controlled by MACH3, I run the program, it turns on, program stops it. I have no idea how to get it manually to turn on with all the buttons on the outside. VFD is new to me... I thought I was buying something more reliable, but haha jokes on me. I changed nothing. Did not crash the machine. Spindle did not make any funny noises, and I never saw the blue smoke of death. I am clueless why something would fail so quick. I have a 800kw water cooled on another router that has been running like a champ with no issues for 2 years. I abuse that one because I always wanted a bigger spindle. Thing still works like a champ. I am a "hobbyist" per say when it comes to these machines, but I do own quite a few of them. I have rebuilt quite a few routers as the San Antonio power is funny and have had quite a few surges that have damaged the control boxes. This morning, took another look at the nonworking one. Now when I power on the VFD, the spindle will start a slow rotation which can be reversed by manually clicking the directional button on the vfd display, and the display just shows the number 5 which I am assuming is the rpm, but I have no clue. I have no idea what configuration it is setup for. With the 800kw VFD, i turn on the power, hit run button, and then use a dial to ramp up the speed. This one doesn't have that options as far I can tell. The spindle will stop rotating with the slightest pressure applied to it. I tried to used the spindle hotkey on mach to turn on or do something, but no go. I give it a m03 and m04 command with speed of 10000, no go. The VFD is wired into the entire control box. It runs off the same power supply as the stepper drivers. The steppers work flawless with no problems. The spindle and steppers both run off the same usb breakout card. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, reinstalled all the plug-ins that came with it. I have changed usb ports. I have changed no settings in mach. So I think I have it narrowed down to either the spindle or the VFD. When I manually spin the spindle, I do not feel any wiggle, wobble, hangups. I have basically given up. I will try and deal with the china company later, but I need a working spindle sooner than i can get one from china. The router currently uses MACH3 to turn on and off the spindle and I have not acquired the electrical knowledge on how to set that up, etc. It was plug and play. So if you have something that I can manually turn on from outside and at some point hook up all the fancy wiring at a later time, that would be awesome. So the current spindle is a gdz 80-1.5 80x188mm 110v 1.5kw 5A 24000RPM If you think it is a spindle issue, let me know, if you think it is a VFD issue let me know. I am open to watching videos and see if i can trouble shoot it myself. I just dont want to keep speding $500 on new spindles every 20 hours. Price is really not an issue , if you think it is a combo problem will be glad to take advice. I just need someone local to help me get running again sooner than later Additional Information: Proposed Answer: I recently purchased a 6040 in march. I have taken very good care of it. Have not abused it. I have about 20 hours on the 1.5kw water cooled spindle of machine time cutting carbon fiber at stupid slow speeds. Last night, no bueno. Spindle will not run. I have no clue what happened. Spindle was controlled by MACH3, I run the program, it turns on, program stops it. I have no idea how to get it manually to turn on with all the buttons on the outside. VFD is new to me... I thought I was buying something more reliable, but haha jokes on me. I changed nothing. Did not crash the machine. Spindle did not make any funny noises, and I never saw the blue smoke of death. I am clueless why something would fail so quick. I have a 800kw water cooled on another router that has been running like a champ with no issues for 2 years. I abuse that one because I always wanted a bigger spindle. Thing still works like a champ. I am a "hobbyist" per say when it comes to these machines, but I do own quite a few of them. I have rebuilt quite a few routers as the San Antonio power is funny and have had quite a few surges that have damaged the control boxes. This morning, took another look at the nonworking one. Now when I power on the VFD, the spindle will start a slow rotation which can be reversed by manually clicking the directional button on the vfd display, and the display just shows the number 5 which I am assuming is the rpm, but I have no clue. I have no idea what configuration it is setup for. With the 800kw VFD, i turn on the power, hit run button, and then use a dial to ramp up the speed. This one doesn't have that options as far I can tell. The spindle will stop rotating with the slightest pressure applied to it. I tried to used the spindle hotkey on mach to turn on or do something, but no go. I give it a m03 and m04 command with speed of 10000, no go. The VFD is wired into the entire control box. It runs off the same power supply as the stepper drivers. The steppers work flawless with no problems. The spindle and steppers both run off the same usb breakout card. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, reinstalled all the plug-ins that came with it. I have changed usb ports. I have changed no settings in mach. So I think I have it narrowed down to either the spindle or the VFD. When I manually spin the spindle, I do not feel any wiggle, wobble, hangups. I have basically given up. I will try and deal with the china company later, but I need a working spindle sooner than i can get one from china. The router currently uses MACH3 to turn on and off the spindle and I have not acquired the electrical knowledge on how to set that up, etc. It was plug and play. So if you have something that I can manually turn on from outside and at some point hook up all the fancy wiring at a later time, that would be awesome. So the current spindle is a gdz 80-1.5 80x188mm 110v 1.5kw 5A 24000RPM If you think it is a spindle issue, let me know, if you think it is a VFD issue let me know. I am open to watching videos and see if i can trouble shoot it myself. I just dont want to keep speding $500 on new spindles every 20 hours. Price is really not an issue , if you think it is a combo problem will be glad to take advice. I just need someone local to help me get running again sooner than later Additional Information: i am having the same problem,

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