How do I wire the breakout board to the driver?

CP+ to COM CP- to STEP CP+ to CW+ (small jumper wire) CW- to DIR Additional Information: If the driver does not have CP or CW labels, the CP is Step and the CW is Direction or DIR. If you connect the 5v to CP+ (or Step+) and CW+ (or DIR+) and the pin to CP- (or Step-) and another pin to CW- (or DIR-), then in software, the configuration for the step on that axis must be active low. Otherwise, if you connect the GND to CP- (or Step-) and CW- (or DIR-) and the pin to CP+ (or Step+) and another pin to CW+ (or DIR+), then in software, the configuration for the step on that axis must be active high. Additional Information: If you have a driver that is labeled pul, dir and ena: Pul+ is the Step+ and Pul- is the Step-. Pul is short for pulse. A pulse will create a step. Don't worry about the enable terminals. On the x-axis, pin #2 can go to pul- and pin #3 can go to dir-. The 5v will go to pul+ and dir+. The configuration for each axis for step will be active low and toggle active low for the dir on each axis to make it go in the direction desired. Additional Information: Additional Information: Additional Information: Additional Information:

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