my x motor seems to ignore some movements causing it to be innacurate, how do i fix this?
If one or more motor is not responding, please follow the troubleshooting directions below: For parallel Bob only! Make sure both the parallel and USB are connected. Re-check wiring, and connections for continuity (no breaks in the wires) and check for correct wiring locations from driver to BoB. Check dip switch settings on the driver. Check components, by swapping the motors (ex. y-axis motor to z or x-axis driver and z or x-axis motor to y-axis driver) to check if motor functions on another driver. Depending on software check step low active (mach 3) or invert pulse (planet-cnc) for the axis which is not responding. Mach 3 - config/port & pins/motor outputs / Planet-CNC - file/settings/axes