I have my whiteAnt extruding and printing but the prints seem a bit "spidery". The the filament strands are not tightly knit together and there are gaps. Are there adjustments that should be made for
Please amke sure that you have performed the calibration. Check in the control panel used for manual control, and set the temperature to 205 degrees Celcius, and make sure the program is seeing the temperature rise. Once the temperature has reached 205, manually jog the feed for the extruder and make sure you are extruding evenly. Make sure all your bolts are tight, and that you have your machine on a level surface. You may try placing your machine on a board, and using some "L" brakets against the bottom feet area, to stablize the machine from torquing. Also, make sure your extruder head is clean and free of debris. If all of this does not help, you can give us a call and we will see if there is anything else we can figure out that may help.