Breadboarding: Connecting a Pressure Sensor to the ADC of an AVR Microcontroller
To have the microcontroller read a pressure sensor, the sensor is connected to the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). In this case, the sensor is connected to the pin 0 of the ADC (PORT A). AVCC (ADC Power VCC) is connected to the + rail and the AGND (ADC Ground) is connected to the - rail on the breadboard. Noise entering AVCC and AGND is filtered by a 100nf (nano farad) capacitor. The leads of the capacitor connect to the AVCC and AGND. The pressure sensor is made into a breakout so it can be plugged into the bread board. The number 4 pin of the pressure sensor is connected to the pin 0 of the ADC. The number 2 pin of the pressure sensor is connected to the VCC 5v (since this is a 5v device) and the pin number 3 is connected to GND.