Description of the Differential Pressure Sensor Capable of Sensing 33.9 Inches of Mercury

This is a great vacuum pressure sensor that can sense up to about 40 inches of mercury (Hg) which is -115 KPa (Kilopascals). This range is perfect for many industrial uses for vacuum, including pick and place machines, vacuum forming, vacuum clamping for woodworking and gluing, and for vacuum hold down for CNC machines and the like. The nozzle is located at the top which connects to a hose that is connected to the vacuum source. The sensor has a die and a silicone diaphram that when moved from the pull of pressure will vary the internal resistance. Three of the 8 pins function, 2 for power VCC and GND and 1 pin to output an analog voltage of the relationship to the pressure sensed. If used with a microcontroller, this pin would be connected to the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) pin.

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