Autodesk Inventor/CAM/CNC Workflow - Part 7: Adding Fasteners and Constraining them to Holes
Video In part 7 of the series we will be adding fasteners to the assembly and constraining them to the holes. We will put a cross dowel and a screw using the "place" command. We select the cross dowel file to put in the cross dowel. We place it somewhere we can see it. Now we use the "mate" constraint and apply that to the hole. We view the different constraints and select the one that will allow us to constrain the cross dowel to the appropriate hole. Now we are able to move and turn the cross dowel. We apply the constraints to both cross dowels using the default "mate" constraint. Now to put in the screws we will use the "place from content" selection. We are using Cross Recessed Pan Head screw. We make sure it is placed correctly with the head seated. Using 1-1/2" length will give us the correct screw. Now we select it, right click on it, and change the size from #12 to 1/4". You can use different visualization to view the screw in different views. Now we add the 2nd screw using the copy and paste shortcuts on the keyboard and a mate constraint. Use the inside of the screw head and mate it to the back edge. Next we need to adjust the cross dowel. We are going back to the Excel sheet to create a new parameter called "AdditionalOffsetForScrewandCrossDowel". We set the value to 0.1 inches and save the sheet. Now we go into the part and modify the cross dowel to use the new parameter. After applying the changes we can see a little bit of space between the edge of the hole and the end of the screw so the screw doesn't go into the edge of the hole. Click Here for the Next Part in the Series