Autodesk Inventor/CAM/CNC Workflow - Part 8: Laying Out The Parts For CAM Work (DXF)
Video In part 8 of the series we will be showing how to lay out parts for CAM work. The first thing to do for CAM prep is to lay the parts out as if they we will laid out as on a sheet. We're going to create a new assembly file for this. We copy the existing assembly file so we can break parts off the existing file. Now we have the new file and we now we will delete what we do not need. The first thing we delete are the screws and the cross dowels as we will not need to fabricate these. We will be using the same plane to spread everything out. In order to do this we will need to remove all the constraints we made. We have the router and the back support now separated and we want to lay them flat as close to each other as possible. We will first use the flush or side-by-side constraint. We went into the back support and removed the taper we created in order to allow both parts to constrain to each other as mated. Now that they are mated together we want to create an offset of .28" for when we do a finishing and a roughing pass. The last thing we do is make sure the parts are flush and grounded. Now we are ready to produce a CAM file. Click Here for the Next Part in the Series