Control your laser cutter and engraver with this excellent and fast laser control, design and CAD software. Will work for your laser machine.
With LightBurn software, you can layout, edit graphics for cutting and engraving with your laser cutter and engraver without the need for additional software. LightBurn will control your laser cutter supporting DSP controllers. It was designed to be compatible with any laser controller, and if you find that it is not compatible, send us a message and we will determine the status on making it work for your laser cutter and engraver!
All you need to do is download the free trial and try it out. If it doesn't work, there may only be a few changes that are needed to make it work.
You can import designs and artwork from a large variety of CAD and design software including:
AI (Adobe Illustrator)PDF (Adobe Acrobat)SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)DXF (Autodesk Drawing Exchange Format)PLT (Vector Based Plotter File Format)PNG, JPG GIF and BMP Image Formats
LightBurn allows you to design your artwork from the ground up, or import from other software and edit the artwork to your satisfaction.
Completely control how your laser will cut or engrave the artwork, or design. You will be able to control the power of the laser intensity, speed of the movement of the laser cutting or engraving, number of passes to make sure the laser will cut through thicker materials, the order that the laser will cut the geometry, and much more.
You can use LightBurn with Windows, OSX and even Linux!
The M2-Nano board is not supported in the K40 laser. The M2-Nano board is proprietary and a lesser capable laser controller. It is strongly advised to replace that board to take advantage of great software like this one.