Does Corel Draw support LaserCAD V8.10.21 as a plug-in using Windows 10?
Yes, LaserCAD V8.10.21 supports the use of CorelDraw and the CorelDraw direct output. In Chapter 2 of the manual (link below) that focuses on the installation of LaserCAD. At the first part of the installation, you will be given a set of options including the LaserCAD installation and the installation of plugins for AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Remember that the CorelDraw plugin must be installed in the director of the CorelDraw software. In chapter 5, the manual will instruct you how to install the Manual Download Tool "AWCLaserCut" within the CorelDraw sofware using the Macros feature of CorelDraw. I hope this helps. Thanks!!