April Fooled: Evil Mad Scientist's Marshmallow-Toaster Bot Leaves Consumers RoastedEvil Mad Scientist launched a tantalizing new product this April 1st. The notorious launch date was sure to raise suspicions, but the content and accompanying video
found here were so well presented that many potential customers may have been left disappointed when they tried to actually purchase this marshmallow machine masterpiece.
Images Courtesy of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
EMS marketed the MarshMallowMatic as a modified version of the Ostrich Egg-Bot Kit. The tagline was "the world's first dedicated CNC marshmallow toasting machine."
The main reason the product was not actually launched could be attributed to the oxy-fuel torch used to toast the marshmallow. With a 1" long flame capable of temperatures in excess of 5000 degrees Fahrenheit, there may have been some safety concerns.