Tech Video Clips
Programming: Understanding Variance with ADC Co...
When doing conversions with the ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion), the result may have a variance from conversion to conversion. This gives you a method to calculate this deflection over...
Programming: Understanding Variance with ADC Co...
When doing conversions with the ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion), the result may have a variance from conversion to conversion. This gives you a method to calculate this deflection over...
Programming: Understanding Incremental a Variab...
A variable is given a suffix of ++ to increment that variable by 1. It's just taking a variable, say with a value or 125 and adding 1 to it,...
Programming: Understanding Incremental a Variab...
A variable is given a suffix of ++ to increment that variable by 1. It's just taking a variable, say with a value or 125 and adding 1 to it,...
Programming: UART/USART Set up to Baud Rate for...
The UART communicates at a agreed upon speed set by the baud rate. This baud rate must be set in both the transmitting and receiving microcontrollers to work.//Set the UBBR...
Programming: UART/USART Set up to Baud Rate for...
The UART communicates at a agreed upon speed set by the baud rate. This baud rate must be set in both the transmitting and receiving microcontrollers to work.//Set the UBBR...
Programming: UART/USART Creating a Transmit Dat...
Since we are transmitting data, not return is necessary, but we will need to include a parameter. The parameter will be the data that will be transmitted. The UDRE (USART...
Programming: UART/USART Creating a Transmit Dat...
Since we are transmitting data, not return is necessary, but we will need to include a parameter. The parameter will be the data that will be transmitted. The UDRE (USART...
Programming: UART/USART Creating a Receive Data...
This is a function that is created for a library to be reused whenever the microcontroller needs to receive data from the UART/USART. The RXC is the Receive Complete Flag...
Programming: UART/USART Creating a Receive Data...
This is a function that is created for a library to be reused whenever the microcontroller needs to receive data from the UART/USART. The RXC is the Receive Complete Flag...
Programming: Two Ways of Creating Comments
There are two ways of creating comments, notes and remarks in programming, using the characters // and /* */.Usage is: // Comment... /* Comment... */.
Programming: Two Ways of Creating Comments
There are two ways of creating comments, notes and remarks in programming, using the characters // and /* */.Usage is: // Comment... /* Comment... */.
Programming: Transmitting Data Using the UART/U...
To send data on the TX pin of the microcontroller, the transmitter must not be busy with another transmission of data. The UDRE (USART Data Register Empty) is a flag...
Programming: Transmitting Data Using the UART/U...
To send data on the TX pin of the microcontroller, the transmitter must not be busy with another transmission of data. The UDRE (USART Data Register Empty) is a flag...
Programming: Toggle Two LEDs when Push Button i...
Making a program for the Atmel AVR microcontroller to toggle two LEDs when a push button switch is pressed. When the push button is pressed and released, one LED is...
Programming: Toggle Two LEDs when Push Button i...
Making a program for the Atmel AVR microcontroller to toggle two LEDs when a push button switch is pressed. When the push button is pressed and released, one LED is...
Programming: Timer/Counter Interrupt Specifics
To use the interrupt for the Timer/Counter, an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) must be written. Specifically relating to enabling the interrupt for the Timer/Counter, the WGM12 (Waveform Generation Mode) in...
Programming: Timer/Counter Interrupt Specifics
To use the interrupt for the Timer/Counter, an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) must be written. Specifically relating to enabling the interrupt for the Timer/Counter, the WGM12 (Waveform Generation Mode) in...
Programming: The Switch and Case Conditional St...
The switch statement is a conditional statement. The switch statement is like a menu, and case is like the menu option. The switch will have a variable and each case...
Programming: The Switch and Case Conditional St...
The switch statement is a conditional statement. The switch statement is like a menu, and case is like the menu option. The switch will have a variable and each case...
Programming: The If Else Condition Compared to ...
The if else condition can be used as an alternative to the switch case conditional statement and vice versa.The switch case conditional statement: switch (Variable) { case FirstValue: //Code to...
Programming: The If Else Condition Compared to ...
The if else condition can be used as an alternative to the switch case conditional statement and vice versa.The switch case conditional statement: switch (Variable) { case FirstValue: //Code to...
Programming: The If Condition with Greater Than...
This is an example using an IF and Condition testing if the variable in the condition is greater than or equal to a value.if (sampleCount >= 100) { //Code to...
Programming: The If Condition with Greater Than...
This is an example using an IF and Condition testing if the variable in the condition is greater than or equal to a value.if (sampleCount >= 100) { //Code to...
Programming: The FOR Loop in C Explained and Ex...
The for loop explained and an example given. While the loop iterates, i will be incremented by one on each iteration.The syntax is: for (variable declaration; condition; variable change) {...
Programming: The FOR Loop in C Explained and Ex...
The for loop explained and an example given. While the loop iterates, i will be incremented by one on each iteration.The syntax is: for (variable declaration; condition; variable change) {...
Programming: Software Debouncing for a Push But...
A program is developed to investigate the elimination of button bounce (software push button debouncing). The circuit consists of two LEDs and a push button. The LEDs will toggle when...
Programming: Software Debouncing for a Push But...
A program is developed to investigate the elimination of button bounce (software push button debouncing). The circuit consists of two LEDs and a push button. The LEDs will toggle when...
Programming: Skeleton Code with LCD Included an...
This is a boilerplate code to initialize the ADC for interrupts and including the LCD library so the result can be displayed.#include #include #include "MrLCD.h" int main(void) { InitializeMrLCD(); ADCSRA...
Programming: Skeleton Code with LCD Included an...
This is a boilerplate code to initialize the ADC for interrupts and including the LCD library so the result can be displayed.#include #include #include "MrLCD.h" int main(void) { InitializeMrLCD(); ADCSRA...
Programming: Shifting a Block of Code Back That...
If you have a block of code that is indented too far, select the block of code and use SHIFT + TAB to move that selection back (un-indenting).
Programming: Shifting a Block of Code Back That...
If you have a block of code that is indented too far, select the block of code and use SHIFT + TAB to move that selection back (un-indenting).
Programming: Setting Up the LCD and Interrupts ...
The LCD library and initialization is established. The interrupts for the ADC is started and a string is sent to the LCD. This is to get ready for the pressure...
Programming: Setting Up the LCD and Interrupts ...
The LCD library and initialization is established. The interrupts for the ADC is started and a string is sent to the LCD. This is to get ready for the pressure...
Programming: Setting up an LED for PORTB Pin 1
First the data direction register for port b (DDRB) and pin 0 must be set for output since the LED is be controlled. The high or low state of that...
Programming: Setting up an LED for PORTB Pin 1
First the data direction register for port b (DDRB) and pin 0 must be set for output since the LED is be controlled. The high or low state of that...
Programming: Setting the Stop Bits and Data Bit...
The stop bits are at the end of the data frame and signal the end of the that frame for the receiver. Setting for stop bits, use the USBS (UART...
Programming: Setting the Stop Bits and Data Bit...
The stop bits are at the end of the data frame and signal the end of the that frame for the receiver. Setting for stop bits, use the USBS (UART...
Programming: Sending Commands and Characters to...
A command to clear the screen is 0x01 and is used first. A time delay is needed since the clear screen command takes a bit of time. The next command...
Programming: Sending Commands and Characters to...
A command to clear the screen is 0x01 and is used first. A time delay is needed since the clear screen command takes a bit of time. The next command...
Programming: Save a header (Include or library)...
Include files can be saved in a location to be only for the particular project, or located in a folder on the computer for accessing for any project. In this...
Programming: Save a header (Include or library)...
Include files can be saved in a location to be only for the particular project, or located in a folder on the computer for accessing for any project. In this...
Programming: Reusable Code Explained
Reusable code is code that is written once, but used multiple times. The code is written as a function or class and the program calls this function. The function can...
Programming: Reusable Code Explained
Reusable code is code that is written once, but used multiple times. The code is written as a function or class and the program calls this function. The function can...
Programming: Receiving Data with the UART/USART...
Before the receive data can be read, the receive data ready flag must tell us that the data is ready to take. If the RXC (Receive Complete) flag in the...
Programming: Receiving Data with the UART/USART...
Before the receive data can be read, the receive data ready flag must tell us that the data is ready to take. If the RXC (Receive Complete) flag in the...
Programming: Push Button to Activate Code when ...
How to make a program for the push button switch for an Atmel AVR microcontroller so that the action is only activated when the push button is pressed then released....
Programming: Push Button to Activate Code when ...
How to make a program for the push button switch for an Atmel AVR microcontroller so that the action is only activated when the push button is pressed then released....