Tech Video Clips
Programming: Push Button Switch to Change LED B...
How to make a program for the Atmel AVR microcontroller using a push button to change the delay that an LED is blinking. The program uses the util/delay.h library and...
Programming: Push Button Switch to Change LED B...
How to make a program for the Atmel AVR microcontroller using a push button to change the delay that an LED is blinking. The program uses the util/delay.h library and...
Programming: Push Button Switch (no software de...
Programming for push button switch functionality on the Atmel AVR microcontroller on PORTB Pin 1 using the condition that uses the bit_is_clear(PIN?, ?) function. In this case, the push button...
Programming: Push Button Switch (no software de...
Programming for push button switch functionality on the Atmel AVR microcontroller on PORTB Pin 1 using the condition that uses the bit_is_clear(PIN?, ?) function. In this case, the push button...
Programming: Part 2: Send a String of Character...
A loop is needed to traverse the characters in the memory locations starting at the pointer. To loop through a set of characters using a pointer:while(*StringOfCharacters > 0) { Send_A_Character(*StringOfCharacters++);...
Programming: Part 2: Send a String of Character...
A loop is needed to traverse the characters in the memory locations starting at the pointer. To loop through a set of characters using a pointer:while(*StringOfCharacters > 0) { Send_A_Character(*StringOfCharacters++);...
Programming: Part 2: A Method of Creating Reusa...
Similar code is put into a single function to be called by two uses. In this example, two push buttons are needed to be read (evaluated) and a set code...
Programming: Part 2: A Method of Creating Reusa...
Similar code is put into a single function to be called by two uses. In this example, two push buttons are needed to be read (evaluated) and a set code...
Programming: Part 1: Understanding Pointers
The asterisk * denotes the pointer and in this example, the pointer '*' is pointing to a variable called StringOfCharacters. the pointer will start at the first memory location of...
Programming: Part 1: Understanding Pointers
The asterisk * denotes the pointer and in this example, the pointer '*' is pointing to a variable called StringOfCharacters. the pointer will start at the first memory location of...
Programming: Part 1: Send a String of Character...
The prototype and function is added called void Send_A_String(unsigned char *stringOfCharacters)
Programming: Part 1: Send a String of Character...
The prototype and function is added called void Send_A_String(unsigned char *stringOfCharacters)
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows: - Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB...
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows: - Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB...
Programming: Part 1: A Method of Creating Reusa...
Similar code is put into a single function to be called by two uses. In this example, two push buttons are needed to be read (evaluated) and a set code...
Programming: Part 1: A Method of Creating Reusa...
Similar code is put into a single function to be called by two uses. In this example, two push buttons are needed to be read (evaluated) and a set code...
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows: - Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB...
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows: - Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB...
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
In this program, interrupts are used to provide an interrupt every time the PWM counter reaches the top value in ICR1 (Input Capture Register 1). Within the ISR (Interrupt Service...
Programming: Outputting a PWM (Pulse Width Modu...
In this program, interrupts are used to provide an interrupt every time the PWM counter reaches the top value in ICR1 (Input Capture Register 1). Within the ISR (Interrupt Service...
Programming: Nested For Loop
For loops can be nested to cycle in a multidimensional way.Structure: for () { for () { Code } } Example: for (int x = 0; x<3; x++) { for...
Programming: Nested For Loop
For loops can be nested to cycle in a multidimensional way.Structure: for () { for () { Code } } Example: for (int x = 0; x<3; x++) { for...
Programming: Modifying the MakeFile in Programm...
This is how to modify the makefile for a project in Programmers Notepad. The makefile is simply a text file that is relatively easy to read and understand. In this...
Programming: Modifying the MakeFile in Programm...
This is how to modify the makefile for a project in Programmers Notepad. The makefile is simply a text file that is relatively easy to read and understand. In this...
Programming: Making the Hobby Servo Turn the Ho...
The values are 800 (.8 ms) and 2200 (2.2 ms). These numbers can be further tweaked to turn the horn more towards its limits. The OCR1A for the first position...
Programming: Making the Hobby Servo Turn the Ho...
The values are 800 (.8 ms) and 2200 (2.2 ms). These numbers can be further tweaked to turn the horn more towards its limits. The OCR1A for the first position...
Programming: Making the Hobby Servo Turn the Ho...
The OCR1A for the first position is moved into the while(1) never ending loop. A delay is introduced because it takes time for the servo to get to the intended...
Programming: Making the Hobby Servo Turn the Ho...
The OCR1A for the first position is moved into the while(1) never ending loop. A delay is introduced because it takes time for the servo to get to the intended...
Programming: Making Sure Library is Compiled on...
All libraries (header files .h) that are created for c or c++ programs must have code in them to make sure they are not compiled more than once. The use...
Programming: Making Sure Library is Compiled on...
All libraries (header files .h) that are created for c or c++ programs must have code in them to make sure they are not compiled more than once. The use...
Programming: LCD Sending a Command and Character
This is an example of sending a command to clear the screen of the LCD and sending a character to the LCD.
Programming: LCD Sending a Command and Character
This is an example of sending a command to clear the screen of the LCD and sending a character to the LCD.
Programming: LCD Code for the Sending a Command...
To send a command to the LCD, the data port connected to the LCD must have the data on that bus and the data will remain on that bus while...
Programming: LCD Code for the Sending a Command...
To send a command to the LCD, the data port connected to the LCD must have the data on that bus and the data will remain on that bus while...
Programming: LCD Code for the Sending a Charact...
To send a character to the LCD, the data port connected to the LCD must have the data on that bus and the data will remain on that bus while...
Programming: LCD Code for the Sending a Charact...
To send a character to the LCD, the data port connected to the LCD must have the data on that bus and the data will remain on that bus while...
Programming: LCD Code for checking if the LCD i...
The data direction for the data port must be input since we will be getting information from the LCD. All of the PORTB lines will be set low for this...
Programming: LCD Code for checking if the LCD i...
The data direction for the data port must be input since we will be getting information from the LCD. All of the PORTB lines will be set low for this...
Programming: Initializing Two Buttons and Two L...
Initializing two push button and two LEDs using binary notation. The push buttons will be connected to pins 0 and 1 and the LEDs are connected to pins 2 and...
Programming: Initializing Two Buttons and Two L...
Initializing two push button and two LEDs using binary notation. The push buttons will be connected to pins 0 and 1 and the LEDs are connected to pins 2 and...
Programming: Initializing 7 LEDs and a Button o...
A Push Button and 7 LEDs are Initialized on PORTD and PORTB. The Push Button is located on the 8th pin (pin 7) on each port and the 7 LEDs...
Programming: Initializing 7 LEDs and a Button o...
A Push Button and 7 LEDs are Initialized on PORTD and PORTB. The Push Button is located on the 8th pin (pin 7) on each port and the 7 LEDs...
Programming: Initialization Code for the LCD
Initialization for the LCD to enable the LCD, put it in write mode, and the Register Select set high. A delay of 15 ms is needed to wait for the...
Programming: Initialization Code for the LCD
Initialization for the LCD to enable the LCD, put it in write mode, and the Register Select set high. A delay of 15 ms is needed to wait for the...
Programming: Incrementing a Variable in the App...
It's easy to put a changing variable in the incorrect location in code. In this example, an incrementing variable was put before the code where it is used and the...
Programming: Incrementing a Variable in the App...
It's easy to put a changing variable in the incorrect location in code. In this example, an incrementing variable was put before the code where it is used and the...
Programming: Incremental a Variable with Anothe...
There are a couple ways that a variable can be incremented by a value or another variable:variableToBeIncremented = variableToBeIncremented + theValueVariable; or variableToBeIncremented += theValueVariable;
Programming: Incremental a Variable with Anothe...
There are a couple ways that a variable can be incremented by a value or another variable:variableToBeIncremented = variableToBeIncremented + theValueVariable; or variableToBeIncremented += theValueVariable;