Tech Video Clips

Programming: Creating a Global Variable

Positioning a variable or array outside of the main function allows this variable to be used within all functions. All variable positioned outside of the main function are called global...

Programming: Creating a Global Variable

Positioning a variable or array outside of the main function allows this variable to be used within all functions. All variable positioned outside of the main function are called global...

Programming: Creating a Function with a Return ...

A function that contains a return is prefixed with a type name. If the function has parameters to be passed in, the parameters will be contained in parenthesis and suffix...

Programming: Creating a Function with a Return ...

A function that contains a return is prefixed with a type name. If the function has parameters to be passed in, the parameters will be contained in parenthesis and suffix...

Programming: Creating a Function from Existing ...

A function can be created from existing code, as seen in this example. Surround the code with {} braces. Above the braces, add the function return type (if no return...

Programming: Creating a Function from Existing ...

A function can be created from existing code, as seen in this example. Surround the code with {} braces. Above the braces, add the function return type (if no return...

Programming: Create a Quick Press Button Game

An AVR microcontroller program that uses two push Buttons and 14 LEDs where each player has one push button and 7 LEDs. The object of the game is to press...

Programming: Create a Quick Press Button Game

An AVR microcontroller program that uses two push Buttons and 14 LEDs where each player has one push button and 7 LEDs. The object of the game is to press...

Programming: Create a Global Variable that will...

When creating a global variable, especially when the variable will be used in an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), this global variable may be eliminated by the compiler (optimized out). To...

Programming: Create a Global Variable that will...

When creating a global variable, especially when the variable will be used in an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), this global variable may be eliminated by the compiler (optimized out). To...

Programming: Create a Chasing 'x' on the LCD to...

A moving 'x' is displayed along all possible LCD cursor locations and the actual location of the 'x' is displayed on the bottom right of the LCD to inform what...

Programming: Create a Chasing 'x' on the LCD to...

A moving 'x' is displayed along all possible LCD cursor locations and the actual location of the 'x' is displayed on the bottom right of the LCD to inform what...

Programming: Converting the ADC Result to a Num...

The formula that converts the ADC value to inches of Hg (using the slope intercept formula): inches of HG = -0.0377(ADC_Value) + 35.5134The portion of the program that pertains to...

Programming: Converting the ADC Result to a Num...

The formula that converts the ADC value to inches of Hg (using the slope intercept formula): inches of HG = -0.0377(ADC_Value) + 35.5134The portion of the program that pertains to...

Programming: Converting Binary Numbers to Hexad...

If you have a binary number and you need to convert that binary number to a hexadecimal number, all you need to do is separate the binary numbers into 4-bit...

Programming: Converting Binary Numbers to Hexad...

If you have a binary number and you need to convert that binary number to a hexadecimal number, all you need to do is separate the binary numbers into 4-bit...

Programming: Converting a Type to Another Type ...

If there is a variable that is of a specific type and another type is desired, that variable can be cast the desired type.For example: If you have an integer...

Programming: Converting a Type to Another Type ...

If there is a variable that is of a specific type and another type is desired, that variable can be cast the desired type.For example: If you have an integer...

Programming: Controlling a Pin Using an ADC Value

The LED is connected to pin 0 on PORTD which is controlled by values from the ADC. The LED is actually representing a vacuum pump, so when the pressure sensor...

Programming: Controlling a Pin Using an ADC Value

The LED is connected to pin 0 on PORTD which is controlled by values from the ADC. The LED is actually representing a vacuum pump, so when the pressure sensor...

Programming: Conditional Statement Example

An example of a conditional statement if (condition){ do this code } else { do this code}. This particular conditional statement is meant to be used for a button press.

Programming: Conditional Statement Example

An example of a conditional statement if (condition){ do this code } else { do this code}. This particular conditional statement is meant to be used for a button press.

Programming: Combining Multiple Or Bitwise Oper...

Multiple bitwise operations can be expressed in a single line. This is an example of taking two Or bitwise operations that were on two lines and combined into one line.

Programming: Combining Multiple Or Bitwise Oper...

Multiple bitwise operations can be expressed in a single line. This is an example of taking two Or bitwise operations that were on two lines and combined into one line.

Programming: Changing the Makefile to Reflect t...

To change the microcontroller name (MCU Name), open the makefile with programmers notepad and at the upper portion of the file, there will be a # MCU Name. Just underneath...

Programming: Changing the Makefile to Reflect t...

To change the microcontroller name (MCU Name), open the makefile with programmers notepad and at the upper portion of the file, there will be a # MCU Name. Just underneath...

Programming: ButtonPress Library Usage

Using the buttonPress library for the Atmel AVR microcontroller. The function is called ButtonPressed and it returns a char for testing if the push button is actually pressed. The parameters...

Programming: ButtonPress Library Usage

Using the buttonPress library for the Atmel AVR microcontroller. The function is called ButtonPressed and it returns a char for testing if the push button is actually pressed. The parameters...

Programming: Brief Description of itoa (Integer...

This is a brief description of itoa and what library contains this function so it can be invoked. Itoa requires the stdlib.hfor (init; condition; increment) { Code that will be...

Programming: Brief Description of itoa (Integer...

This is a brief description of itoa and what library contains this function so it can be invoked. Itoa requires the stdlib.hfor (init; condition; increment) { Code that will be...

Programming: ASCII Characters with HEX and Deci...

This is how to use the left pane of programmers notepad to see the ASCII Characters. The character is shows with decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.

Programming: ASCII Characters with HEX and Deci...

This is how to use the left pane of programmers notepad to see the ASCII Characters. The character is shows with decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.

Programming: Applying the Slope Intercept Formu...

The code in the ADC channels are updated to reflect the slope intercept formula so the trimmer potentiometers show a range or 0 - 33 rather than the raw ADC...

Programming: Applying the Slope Intercept Formu...

The code in the ADC channels are updated to reflect the slope intercept formula so the trimmer potentiometers show a range or 0 - 33 rather than the raw ADC...

Programming:Adjusting the PWM Pulse Width to a ...

The OCR1A is adjusted to 900 to create a .9 ms Pulse width.

Programming:Adjusting the PWM Pulse Width to a ...

The OCR1A is adjusted to 900 to create a .9 ms Pulse width.

Programming: Adding the 'x=' and 'y=' for the '...

Modifying the program so that the xa nd y location values are shown on the LCD screen while the 'x' chasing character runs through all of the LCD cursor locations.Structure:...

Programming: Adding the 'x=' and 'y=' for the '...

Modifying the program so that the xa nd y location values are shown on the LCD screen while the 'x' chasing character runs through all of the LCD cursor locations.Structure:...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

This is a general explanation of how the ADC pins and receiving analog voltages differ from the standard way of using the PORT pins.

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

This is a general explanation of how the ADC pins and receiving analog voltages differ from the standard way of using the PORT pins.

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The ADC must run between 50kHz and 200kHz. This is an example of how to set the prescaler. The ADCSRA Control and Status Register is the register that contains the...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The ADC must run between 50kHz and 200kHz. This is an example of how to set the prescaler. The ADCSRA Control and Status Register is the register that contains the...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

Setting either a left shift or right shift for the result will make it easier to grab the data for 8-bit or 10-bit. It is how the number will be...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

Setting either a left shift or right shift for the result will make it easier to grab the data for 8-bit or 10-bit. It is how the number will be...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The AVR microcontroller offers an internal voltage reference of 2.56v to be used if so desired. If the device that is being measured by the ADC has a top value...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The AVR microcontroller offers an internal voltage reference of 2.56v to be used if so desired. If the device that is being measured by the ADC has a top value...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The result from an ADC conversion is located in the ADCH register. Make sure to enable left shift to get all of the 8-bit data in the ADCH register. The...

Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...

The result from an ADC conversion is located in the ADCH register. Make sure to enable left shift to get all of the 8-bit data in the ADCH register. The...