Tech Video Clips
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
The reference voltage for the ADC is the top threshold voltage that it will consider when making a conversion. That is to say, if the range of voltages on the...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
The reference voltage for the ADC is the top threshold voltage that it will consider when making a conversion. That is to say, if the range of voltages on the...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
Two trimmers are connected to the ADC one on channel 1 and the other on channel 2. The pressure sensor is connected to channel 0. The two trimmers will be...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
Two trimmers are connected to the ADC one on channel 1 and the other on channel 2. The pressure sensor is connected to channel 0. The two trimmers will be...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
To be able to use the interrupts with the ADC, the ADC Interrupt Enable (ADIE) must be set which is located in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
To be able to use the interrupts with the ADC, the ADC Interrupt Enable (ADIE) must be set which is located in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
When using the ADC, a prescaler must be established to have the ADC timer fall within an acceptable range. This input clock frequency acceptable range is between 50kHz and 200kHz....
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
When using the ADC, a prescaler must be established to have the ADC timer fall within an acceptable range. This input clock frequency acceptable range is between 50kHz and 200kHz....
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
Setting the interrupt control bit is located in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register. The bit to set in this register is ADIE (Analog to Digital Interrupt Enable). Optionally, we...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
Setting the interrupt control bit is located in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register. The bit to set in this register is ADIE (Analog to Digital Interrupt Enable). Optionally, we...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
To use the interrupt for the ADC, an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) must be established. This is just a function that resides outside of the main function that will run...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ...
To use the interrupt for the ADC, an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) must be established. This is just a function that resides outside of the main function that will run...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To select a channel of the ADC to use for input, the ADMUX must be set according to the channel that is used. The last 5 digits of the ADMUX...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To select a channel of the ADC to use for input, the ADMUX must be set according to the channel that is used. The last 5 digits of the ADMUX...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To start a single ADC conversion, the ADSC (Analog to Digital Single Conversion) must be set in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To start a single ADC conversion, the ADSC (Analog to Digital Single Conversion) must be set in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
The ADC clock must be between 50 KHz and 200 KHz to do the conversions. The ADC clock ticks with the microcontroller clock and a prescaler can be applied to...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
The ADC clock must be between 50 KHz and 200 KHz to do the conversions. The ADC clock ticks with the microcontroller clock and a prescaler can be applied to...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
The ADLAR is not set in this program because it is 0 (right adjusted) by default. When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
The ADLAR is not set in this program because it is 0 (right adjusted) by default. When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
Enabling the ADC (turning the ADC on) is setting the ADEN (ADC Enable) in the ADCSRA (ADC Control and Status Register). Starting a new single conversion is also in the...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
Enabling the ADC (turning the ADC on) is setting the ADEN (ADC Enable) in the ADCSRA (ADC Control and Status Register). Starting a new single conversion is also in the...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To enable the ADC, the ADEN bit must be set in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To enable the ADC, the ADEN bit must be set in the ADCSRA Control and Status Register.
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To get ADC results on multiple pins of the ADC, we change the ADMUX to the channel that we want to receive the result, but this change needs to be...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
To get ADC results on multiple pins of the ADC, we change the ADMUX to the channel that we want to receive the result, but this change needs to be...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
to get the 10-bit number from the ADC conversion, the ADCL (ADC Low Data Byte) is read first (must be read first) and stored into another variable. The remaining data...
Programming: ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)...
to get the 10-bit number from the ADC conversion, the ADCL (ADC Low Data Byte) is read first (must be read first) and stored into another variable. The remaining data...
Programming: A Brief Description of PWM on Crea...
In non-inverted mode, the pulse is stared at the beginning of the period. The Period to match 50 Hz (20 ms period time frame), a timer/counter is used and the...
Programming: A Brief Description of PWM on Crea...
In non-inverted mode, the pulse is stared at the beginning of the period. The Period to match 50 Hz (20 ms period time frame), a timer/counter is used and the...
Programming: == to Test for True of False in a ...
The == (double equals) is a logical operation that returns a true or false. The variable or value is on the left of the == and the test value is...
Programming: == to Test for True of False in a ...
The == (double equals) is a logical operation that returns a true or false. The variable or value is on the left of the == and the test value is...
Programming: #define Statement Explained
The #define statement is a macro. The #define statement can be use to substitute a name for a number. It can also be used to change the name of another...
Programming: #define Statement Explained
The #define statement is a macro. The #define statement can be use to substitute a name for a number. It can also be used to change the name of another...
Program and Circuit: Push button Software Debou...
A program is developed and circuit is breadboarded to investigate debouncing through software. A few variables are created to measure the confidence level of the press and release. Two LEDs...
Program and Circuit: Push button Software Debou...
A program is developed and circuit is breadboarded to investigate debouncing through software. A few variables are created to measure the confidence level of the press and release. Two LEDs...
Powering the Differential Pressure Sensor Using...
The pressure sensor is connected to the MAX604's output voltage to pin 2 of the sensor for VCC and pin 3 for GND.
Powering the Differential Pressure Sensor Using...
The pressure sensor is connected to the MAX604's output voltage to pin 2 of the sensor for VCC and pin 3 for GND.
Potentiometers (variable resistors, trimmers or...
The potentiometer is a device that increases or decreases resistance as a variable resistor. Potentiometers can also be used as a voltage divider. If the potentiometer is to be used...
Potentiometers (variable resistors, trimmers or...
The potentiometer is a device that increases or decreases resistance as a variable resistor. Potentiometers can also be used as a voltage divider. If the potentiometer is to be used...
Poor Man's Hardware Debouncing for Push Button
Connecting a push button switch to the microcontroller on a breadboard with a capacitor for hardware debouncing. The push button switch is connected to a general IO pin (in this...
Poor Man's Hardware Debouncing for Push Button
Connecting a push button switch to the microcontroller on a breadboard with a capacitor for hardware debouncing. The push button switch is connected to a general IO pin (in this...
Polarity of an LED
How to determine the polarity of an LED (Light Emitting Diode) and determine which lead is the anode and cathode.
Polarity of an LED
How to determine the polarity of an LED (Light Emitting Diode) and determine which lead is the anode and cathode.