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1.5 kW (kilowatt) Water Cooled Spindle

1.5 kW (kilowatt) Water Cooled Spindle

Regular price $349.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $349.95 USD
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This is a 1.5 kilowatt spindle which roughly translates to 2.01 HP. The spindle is water cooled which requires a pump and tubing. We are using a 300 gal/hr pump that can be purchased from the home improvement store submerged in a bucket of water, but a chiller can also be used. Do not attempt to wire your VFD or spindle on your own. Consult with a professional electrician before following the diagram. The spindle, by itself, weighs 8.66 lbs. The diameter of the spindle cylindrical body is 80mm, so when finding a mount, use an 80mm mount. Collet Size for 1.5kW Spindle: ER11 Refer to this product page for the VFD/Inverter (Variable Frequency Drive) parameters and programming
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  • Difference between wood and Aluminum

    This machine is made of MDO panel, which is an exterior type plywood with a weather-resistant resin overlay bonded to the wood by heat and pressure. This process fuses the molecules of the overlay with the fibres of the wood to form a bond as strong as the wood itself. MDO has all the advantages of regular plywood as well as additional properties. The overlay, which has 28% resin content, resists water, weather, wear and degradation. The overlay, which has 28% resin content, resists water, weather, wear and degradation. MDO plywood is resistant to the elements with no danger of rust or corrosion. Something else to consider is the thermal expansion between Aluminum, steel, and wood. When an object is heated or cooled, its length changes by an amount proportional to the original length and the change in temperature and wood has the least expansion. You also have to take into consideration design for our machines. Good structural design adds strength and stability for extra loads in a particular location and load condition is essential perquisite for a strong structure. We manufacture all of our machines with a greenBull, which has been in use for 3 years now. Previously we were cutting with a blackFoot and decided to go with a larger machine. Our production begins promptly every morning from 9:00am to 5:00pm continuously five days a week and the there has been no issues. I agree with the person who suggested that you purchase a spindle. A spindle, although more expensive than a router will have a longer lifespan. Within a year, depending on usage, I would go through an average of 3-4 routers. Last year we purchased a spindle and have seen a huge difference. Longevity, quietness, and less dust being blown everywhere like the air cooled router did. Additionally, the spindle provides consistent torque and horse power which a router can't compete with, resulting in increased productivity. Well, I hope I have answers some of your concerns? And if you have any further question please don't hesitate to ask.

  • can you use oil to cool the spindles instead of water

    Our spindles can only be cooled by water, and a synthetic cooling liquid that can be disposed of as waste water. Information from our manufacture, shows that it did not implement the option of cooling it with oil, so we do not recommend trying it since this will void any warranty.

  • Can you tell me what Make and Model Spindle come with your Green Lean Kit?

    It will be the 2.2 kilowatt spindle with Inverter.

  • with the blueChick v4.2 can any software be used or doo we need to purchase a lic key from the manufacture of the control board for 75 bucks

    If you have the USB controller you will need to purchase a USB controller license from planet-cnc.

  • Which end mill would you advise to buy for cutting in full depth MDF and plywood of up to 20mm thickness? I am about to install a 2.2k spindel on my cnc.

    There are several endmills that would work for that application. Here's the one we use in our own shop: for cutting .75 inch MDO.

  • what size rail are for the plans machine?

    .75 x .75. x .125


    There has been a cell phone base installed in the fire tower. The panels are vertical and located about 75 feet at the top of the tower. Unlike some towers I have seen there are no round disks and no beaming lights. At night, the tower and cell phone material are dark. Does this make any difference in any related health issues with RF exposure and is it possible the tower is a receive-only transmitter ?

  • PLA

    The PLA for the new extruder is 1.75mm

  • Is there a version of the pick and place machine with larger pcb area? 5.75 by 15.25 inches isn't quite enough, perhaps 9 by 15.25.

    Not at this time, however, we are in development of a more advanced version of our pick and place machine with a larger pcb area. More details to come early next year (2017)

  • I installed the USB CNC Planet and got out of your USB controler $ 75 .Viska have linked to a video 'Party - 2.. X - running and y and z-axis does not work, it moves step motors and controller positions X -axis works, and Y and Z does not work.

    Recommend first test to check a non-working axis, is to connect the current working axis(ex X-axis) to either the y/z axis to test the actual board and wiring in other axis setup. If tests failed and working (x-axis setup) does not working in the new axis location, go the Planet-CNC/File/Settings/Axes and check if your current non-working axis setup requires a inverted pulse. Check box and test again. Next test if first fails, is to check continuity in your wires. A simple multimeter(ohm's) will work, just connect the positive and negative ends to one side of the same wire and if reading comes to 0.000, wire has continuity and if reads 0.L then there is a break in the wire and should be replaced.

  • How deep is the bed? As in, how far can I get the head from the base? On the VLXL.

    The distance from the tip of the nozzle (about 1.5 inches from the lens) to the frame that provides structure to the machine and the part of the machine that will hold the spoilboard is 3.25 inches. If you put a spoilboard of say .75" thickness, then you would have 2.5 inches remaining (or 4 inches from the lens).

  • If I buy the spindle option, is a different mount included?

    Yes. We design different mounts of different routers.

  • I would like to know if your breakout board and driver boards are compatible with MAC OS X working with Sketch Up pro using SketchUcam ?

    SketchUcam will output gcode which standard CNC control software will typically interpret, execute and control CNC machines. So, there is no problem using SketchUcam. However, our CNC machine control software that use our CNC machine interface boards require Windows OS, of Linux. The Mach3 USB board will only run with Mach3 control software which runs under the Windows OS. The parallel breakout board can run under Windows or Linux OS and the computer must contain a parallel port.

  • I purchased a 2.2 spindle a while back and went to the electrical supply house to but shielded cable for the power run, I was on the web a while back and saw a picture of shielded cable that didn't look like what I had bought. should it have a copper like mesh wraped around the inner insulation. Thanks

    Many shielded cables come in various materials and designs, so having one with a copper mesh covering the inner insulator wire is no problem. We currently use a extension cord found locally at a hardware store and include one 18G wire for ground. So a specific shielded cable is not a required, unless being used next to specific and sensitive electronics that are extremely sensitive to noise and voltage interference than a shielded cable is required.

  • I own a blacktoe 2x4 cnc. I need to convert to 2.2kw spindle. I cuurently am using the porter cable router spindle.Thanks.

    If you would like to use a spindle rather than a router on your existing CNC, we will send you another set of components that will allow the spindle to be mounted properly which includes the z-axis rails, rail support, spindle mounts and the dust shoe components. You can find this item to purchase here:

  • I need a water connection fitting for 2.2 water cooled router can you help me

    Yes, we can provide tube fittings for a water cooled spindle. Call us between 9:00am to 5:00pm Cental time and we will help you get this product.

  • I just purchased the 2.2 kW water cooled spindle. I also ordered a 1/8" collet to go with it, since I assume it comes with a 1/4" collet. Is this correct?

    Spindle comes with 1/4" collet. "All of our spindles come standard with a 1/4" collet. The 2.2kw, and 4.0kw, can be upgraded to a 1/2" collet with a separate purchase"

  • I just purchased some wire for my 2.2 spindle as per your recommendation it's 14 AWG stranded wire for the VFD to Spindle (U, V, W) connections. However, it's a three wire (black, white and Ground). Which numbers on the female pin connector do I connect the wires to. Cheers.

    Hey, sorry I just found the wiring diagram and see that #4 is disabled. My bad. Thanks.

  • I have the same water for months to cool the spindel and it's blocked, what can I use to unblock it? I would not like to damage any seal or gasket inside.

    Usually this does happen, we tend to clean the water out roughly every month, however we use our machine 8hrs a day, 7 days a week non stop. So Depending on your usage it might be every 3-5 months when you might have to change the water. We use a small air compressor to blow the build up through the spindle.

  • I have big problem with my water colling system on CNC. I think some things are internally clogged on water cooled spindle.. It's not debris, It's heavy than debris.. Please help me immediate if you can..

    Have you tried to blow the debris out with a compressor? Additional Information: yes i tried with a air compressor but it not work's. I'm in trouble with this problem. how can i open it?

  • I have a GMT 2.2kw water cooled spindle that sounds like the bearings are going out and want to know if your spindle (!2kw-spindle-novfd) is comparable for a swap. The drive is a Delta VFD-M 220v.

    Our spindle should work fine with your Delta VFD-M 220v. Spindles that match a VFD are specific to the coil windings. The bearings, shaft and other mechanical components that make up the spindle may be different, but that should not matter.

  • I am thinking about buying one of your kits. Do you offer a way to interchange bits without using wrenches. also do you have an option to add an additional smaller spindle for drilling parts?

    Currently we have no option for auto-tool change as this feature is mostly limited to higher-priced heavier duty spindles. We are aware of some new technology being developed to bring auto-tool to lighter duty spindles. We will be following the progress of this development closely in order to bring this option to our website whenever it becomes available.

  • I am looking at purchasing your 2.2 kw water cooled spindle. I'm assuming it comes with the VFD. I have a rotary phase converter in my shop. Are these spindles 3 phase? And if so, can I bypass use of the VFD and control the spindle speed by the CAM software instead? Or is the VFD an absolute necessity to use on the spindle?

    Identify the Control Signals: First, determine which control signals from the DB25 interface card are used for spindle speed control. Typically, these are PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals or analog voltage signals. VFD Configuration: Your VFD should be configured to accept the type of control signal your DB25 card provides. This involves setting parameters in the VFD that correspond to the type of input signal it will receive for speed control. Wiring: Connect the appropriate output pins from the DB25 card to the input terminals on the VFD. This usually involves connecting the PWM or analog output to the corresponding input on the VFD. Make sure to consult the manuals for both your VFD and interface card for specific wiring details. UCCNC Settings: Configure UCCNC to output the correct type of signal (PWM or analog) that matches your VFD's configuration. This is done through the software's spindle setup section. Test and Adjust: Run some tests to ensure that the spindle speed is being correctly controlled by UCCNC. You might need to tweak settings in either the VFD or UCCNC for optimal performance.

  • I am interested in buying the 2.2 kW spindle. Does it run much quieter than a 2 hp Porter Cable router? You also mention a pump with a bucket of water. How long until the water is too warm to cool the spindle?

    The 2.2kW Spindle has many advantages over a standard router such as the Porter Cable. The most obvious benefit to the user is the significant reduction of both dust and noise. Additional Information: Additional Information: What size water source is needed and how long can it be used before it is too warm? Do you have a pressure vs. flow curve for the spindle so I can properly size the water pump? Additional Information: I used a small pond pump inside a 5 gallon bucket. I put a little bit of windshield washer fluid in with it to keep anything from growing in it. It's worked great. I've had 1 hour run times with no noticeable increase in spindle temp. Additional Information:

  • how long will it take to ship to France?

    This usually takes about 10 business days

  • How can I get a quote?

    To get info on a specific machine/quote, please refer to our email for further assistance. Additional Information: In order to obtain a quote, please send an e-mail request to and specify which item(s) you are interested in purchasing. Please also include a shipping address in order for a shipping quote to be included as well.

  • Hi. New to all this; can you recommend a water-cooled spindle set that will fit in a 3 1/2" fitting?

    Welcome to this wonderful world of fabrication. Our 2.2kW water cooled spindles measure 80 mm in diameter which is 3.14 inches. This is the standard for most spindles of this power. You may need to get a mount made for this diameter. 2.2kW spindle and VFD:!2kw-spindle-vfd 80mm Spindle mount:!2kw-spindle-80mm-mount

  • Hi, I'm considering buying one of your 2.2 KW water cooled spindles. What is these spindles run out ?

    TIR specifications for the ER-20 collet used on 2.2KW Spindles is .0004 inches.

  • Hi, i have a breakout board that requires 5vdc and i need a power supply for this. What amp rating power supply do i need to power the breakout board without frying it?

    We generally use the USB to power the interface (breakout board). The current from the computer is sufficient to supply the breakout board.

  • Hello, I have a chinese 2.2KW spindle that is nearly new purchased with a CNC I bought while in china, I have noticed at lower RPM there is a distinct squeal. Does this indicate bad bearings?

    The squeal you hear from your spindle running at low RPM is probably not associated with bad bearings (I guess it depends on the sound). All of our spindles running at low RPM has a distinct sound, probably caused by the coils and the magnets.

  • Email link is not functioning. (continuation of z+ limit question) The Usb cnc controller is now switching what the limits are. IE: X- is showing up as Y+ ect. Is this a bad board? Thank you.

    All USB boards, are tested and checked before shipment for all axis, and inputs. Here is a link with clear instructions on how to setup Planet-CNC ( Please check continuity for each individual wire and for any crossover disruption when wiring your board, try to wire each as cleanly and with out crossing any live power wires and or motor motion wires.

  • Do you sell cabling for your spindles?

    Currently we do not have any cable that we carry for our spindle's. But we found a excellent replacement which is your local hardware store, extension cords (orange), and additional 16-18 AWG cable for ground.

  • do you stock the water hose connector for the 1.5kw spindle

    The 1/4" Inside Diamater to 3/8" Outside Diameter silicon tubing is what is used as a water hose for the 1.5kw and 2.2kw Spindles. It can be found here

  • I bought a 1.5kw spindle that came with the ER11 6mm collet. I found collets for 1/4" and 1/2" but will these work with my existing nut? I see there is a nut for sale but it says its just for Bosh and Porter Cable etc.

    It is likely that if your Spindle's collet is ER11 specification than other size ER11 collets will work with your spindle.

  • How many poles on 1.5 KkW spindle? Customer service says 2, the product guide for 2.2kW spindle says 4. Can't find anything definitive for 1.5 kW spindle.

    The number of poles for a 1.5kW spindle is 2 poles. Additional Information: poles

  • 1.5KW water hose 1/4" ID - 3/8" OD does not fit in spindle fitting with ID 0.31"

    If you are using a silicone tube with a 1/4� ID, it will fit the nipple of the 1.5kW spindle water connections measuring an OD of 0.31�. The silicone will stretch and you will need to use water or saliva to help the tube fit. The tube ID being smaller than the nipple will help the seal prevent water from leaking.