Step 31: Router Mount Part 2This tutorial is dated, if you are considering a CNC for your personal use, we would highly recommend
purchasing a kit that is very stable from our wide range of machines available.
So we have the mount all drawn up on the board. It's time to do some cutting. This mount will have two parts, one for the back of the router that will be positioned between the z-axis bearing support pieces, and the second part that will provide the compression to hold the router in position.
You will first note that I did a horrible job with routing out the circle for the router. It makes me want my old CNC router back. Unfortunately I used it for parts on this build (the wife wouldn't let me buy new parts :) ). I definitely don't do a good job with freehand routing. A band saw, or scroll saw may be a better choice for these cuts, but I know I'll have a better tool when I'm finished, so in my mind I just can't justify the expense.
After the router mount is cut out, the z-axis assembly will need to be disassembled to fit the new mount. There will be many new holes to secure this mount to the bearing supports. While figuring out how to make this mount aligned, I stared at the mount for a while until I figured it had to be done in specific steps to insure that I wouldn't misalign the bearings. You will see how I do this in the part 3 of the router mount.