We recommend checking the dip switch settings on your drivers, having the correct microstepping/amp settings along with the steps/unit will help the motors run as effective as possible.
This is a default parameter that we use while we test our motors:
Driver dip switch settings will be at a 1/16 microstepping and 2.7amp (11001100) for x/y-axis and the z-axis will be at 1/4 microstepping and 2.7amp (10101100).
In planet-cnc with increasing the motor speed, you will have to modify the settings in planet-cnc (File/settings/setup) you will modify the initial speed, maximum speed, and the acceleration.
X/Y-axis step/unit: 1422.22 initial speed:500 maximum speed:750 acceleration:25
Z-axis step/unit: 1600 initial speed:100 maximum speed:300 acceleration:25
The initial speed and maximum speed will have to be roughly tested and adjusted per application.
Make sure to adjust the JOG slide bard underneath the axis controls on screen to about 750, to compensate for your x/y-axis adjustments. If left alone the speed will max out at the default setting.
Here is a video tutorial to calculate the steps required depending on your mechanical linear motion components. ()
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I bought Nema 24 motors and driver package with usb board. What do i need to have more speed? Cant even jog past 25 ipm without the motor stalling (not having enough torgue)