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Question #: 14414

Question: I get random e-stop while machining. I checked the connections on the redfly and they are OK

Current Solution

You can increase the debouncing for the input terminals where the limit and e-stop switches are connected. Go to Mach3 and the config menu. Click on General Config... in the config menu. The General Logic Configuration dialog box will appear. On the top right of that screen, you will see Debounce Interval. Increase this number until the problem stops.

You might also want to check your wiring. You don't want the limit switch wiring close to any motor wires, including the spindle cable. The limit switch cabling should be shielded and the shielding of the cable should be grounded.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • What are the EN connections used for on the QJ8060 motor driver? I notice that your video seems to leave them unconnected.

    The EN terminal on the QJ8060 driver and all of our other stepping motor drivers is the enable terminal. We don't use this terminal and the driver will function properly if left unconnected.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What are the EN connections used for on the QJ8060 motor driver? I notice that your video seems to leave them unconnected.

  • I purchased the 4.0kw spindle and VFD a while back, and have just installed a PMDX-107 controller... do you have any examples of the wiring connections for the SL-240EE to PMDX-107?

    If you want speed control, it is recommended to use the RS-485 connection on the VFD and use the control program such as Mach3 to communication serially with the VFD using this RS-485 connection.

    If you would rather use a controller such as the PMDX-107 to simulate the effect of a potentiometer using the Aref, Aout and Agnd and the Rev/Dir and Fwd/Run terminals to control operation and direction, you can connect those to the VFD.

    PMDX-107 Aout connects to the VI (analog voltage in). This is like the wiper on a potentiometer.
    PMDX-107 Agnd connects to the ACM terminal on the VFD for Analog common.
    PMDX-107 COM connects to DCM terminal on the VFD for Digital common.
    PMDX-107 Fwd/Run connects to the FOR terminal on the VFD for Forward.
    PMDX-107 Rev/Dir connects to the REV terminal on the VFD for Reverse.

    Refer to your PMDX-107 manual to correctly configure your dip switch settings and make sure to calibrate (tweak) the speed control using the trimmer next to the terminals on the PMDX-107.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I purchased the 4.0kw spindle and VFD a while back, and have just installed a PMDX-107 controller... do you have any examples of the wiring connections for the SL-240EE to PMDX-107?


    Input to VFD:
    240V Active - R
    240V Neutral - S
    Ground - E

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    U - Pin1
    V - Pin2
    W - Pin3
    Pin4 Dead

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    My home made cnc is a big problem with my NC connection. When in start my spindle it will be gone wrong. It will be limith switch problem anytime. Need help thanks.

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    To get the activation code, all you need to do is plug the USB board into the computer using a USB cable, go to machine -> firmware -> update. After the firmware is updated the program will present to you a dialog box containing the activation code.

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    after i copy the code in the lower case i recived the same message (more than 8 times) ,, this is a evaluation...,, what i need to do to register properly?

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    how to generate activation code richauto a11

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    m l

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  • [410] what I need to buy to make this work on my GreenBull machine and the redfly?

    Since this 4th axis already comes with a stepper motor, you will need a driver and some cable to connect to the driver from where the 4th axis will be placed. If you have extra space in the redFly electronics enclosure, you can fasten the driver there. You will also need some wire to connect the driver to the breakout baord.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [410] what I need to buy to make this work on my GreenBull machine and the redfly?

  • My pokeys57cnc board is showing the Probe active all the time. I have removed all connections to the probe inputs on the board including the grounds and it still shows active.

    Which input on the board are you using?

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    I'm having the same problem, and the net is offering no answers. It was working fine, then quit. I'm guessing some kind of update broke it

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    I'm having the same problem, and the net is offering no answers. It was working fine, then quit. I'm guessing some kind of update broke it

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    My pokeys57cnc board is showing the Probe active all the time. I have removed all connections to the probe inputs on the board including the grounds and it still shows active.

  • I need a resource, we bought 2 redfly systems and mach 4, We put one motor on for the x axis but cannot get it move. Can you direct us to some tutorial?

    Could you specify which breakout board you have? If you have a parallel port version, be sure that you have purchased the "legacy" parallel port version from Mach4. If this proves not to be the problem, please feel free to email us directly at techsuport@buildyourcnc.com or call 281-815-7701 for troubleshooting instructions.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I need a resource, we bought 2 redfly systems and mach 4, We put one motor on for the x axis but cannot get it move. Can you direct us to some tutorial?

  • How do I conect the VFD of the spindle to the RS485 connections

    It is not necessary to connect the spindle VFD (Variable Frequency Drive also called an Inverter) to the computer or CNC motion electronics. The VFD can be controlled independently using the control panel on the VFD. The control panel has the ability to control all aspects of the spindle including Speed, Torque, limits, etc. However, you can connect the VFD to the computer so the CNC control program can control the spindle during the CNC Machine operation. You will need to connect the VFD to the computer via a serial conection (in this case, it is the RS-485 protocol).

    The following are instructions on how to connect the VFD to Mach3 via this RS-485 serial connection.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):
    - PD001 - value 2 - Enables with communication aspect of the VFD
    - PD002 - value 2 - Enables frequency control from the communcations port
    - PD163 - value 1 - VFD address
    - PD164 - value 1 - Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)
    - PD165 - value 3 - 8N1 RTU - 8 bits (that's the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don't want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    The question was how to connect the spindle to the redfy. I did not receive a VFD.
    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindle?

    Additional Information:
    If you received a spindle without a VFD, please contact us asap. Our spindle will not work without a VFD.

    Additional Information:
    Hi, how is this setup in mach4?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How do I conect the VFD of the spindle to the RS485 connections

  • my motor only goes one direction. I checked all the wiring and it's correct. Any suggestions?

    The video showing the hookup of the large motors showed a sequence that was not correct, or I totally misread what was recommended. I hooked the first motor up that way and it would only go in one direction in a very jerky mode. I confirmed that i had hooked it up the way the video showed, disconnected the wiring that runs through to the motor and reconnected it, thinking maybe a cold solder joint was the problem. No good. I finally went to the motor page that showed a different connection pattern. I tried the one that the motor page said to do, and it works smoothly and in the right direction now.

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    my motor only goes one direction. I checked all the wiring and it's correct. Any suggestions?

  • I have an engine NEMA 34 from Y axis on my green bull that do not response, I already check connections and everything seems to be OK, how can I check that the motor it's working properly or not?

    If one or more motor is not responding, please follow the troubleshooting directions below:

    For parallel Bob only! Make sure both the parallel and USB are connected.

    Re-check wiring, and connections for continuity (no breaks in the wires) and check for correct wiring locations from driver to BoB.
    Check dip switch settings on the driver.
    Check components, by swapping the motors (ex. y-axis motor to z or x-axis driver and z or x-axis motor to y-axis driver) to check if motor functions on another driver.
    Depending on software check step low active (mach 3) or invert pulse (planet-cnc) for the axis which is not responding.
    Mach 3 - config/port & pins/motor outputs / Planet-CNC - file/settings/axes

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have an engine NEMA 34 from Y axis on my green bull that do not response, I already check connections and everything seems to be OK, how can I check that the motor it's working properly or not?

  • I purchased a parallel port breakout board. I have checked all the info and found nothing on the usb port. What is it used for?

    The USB port on the Parallel Interface board is necessary to supply 5V power. Connect with a USB cable to a USB source.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I purchased a parallel port breakout board. I have checked all the info and found nothing on the usb port. What is it used for?

  • Are the stepper motors on x and y axis suppose to be hot after running for approximately 30 min. I can touch them but they are hot.

    If your motors are hot to the touch, this is normal. Current is being drawn by the motor coils as the motor moves and as the motor stays at a position. If the motor is not using the current in the coils to move (holding it's position), the energy will be translated as heat (rather than motion, sound or light). Even while moving, some of the energy will be lost as heat. Remember that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Are the stepper motors on x and y axis suppose to be hot after running for approximately 30 min. I can touch them but they are hot.

  • What's the maximum speed at I can machining reliefs without lost steps with BlueChick?

    This will depend on the material, end mill that you are using, and whether you are using a spindle or a router. The stepping motors and the mechanics on the blueChick (and the other machines as well) can move the machine very fast (x and y about 700 ipm rapids).

    You will need to refer to the manufacturer specifications for the speed on the end mill with the particular material. The Onsrud end mills sold here are of top quality and can generally go faster than standard end mills. If the reliefs are in wood, you will be able to machine around 200 to 80 ipm depending on the wood and the depth per pass. Generally, you want to rough out most of the wood with a roughing end mill then finish off with a finishing end mill with a small tip and a small step over.

    If you are using a router, the speeds will be slower than a spindle since the spindle can handle more torque and the torque is compensated with the VFD (Variable Frequency Drive).

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What's the maximum speed at I can machining reliefs without lost steps with BlueChick?

  • I'm going to use 2 stepper motors for my X-axis. Can I use the same connections on the B/O board to do this knowing I will need 2 separate driver boards.

    Yes, absolutely. If you need two motors for a single axis, you will want to use the same terminals for pulse and direction from the breakout board.

    More specifically, you will wire the step/pulse pin to both drivers, and the direction pin to both drivers. If the motors need to turn in different directions, simply swap the A and B coil connections on one of the motors.

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    i have checked the cnc machine for any flex and there is none but i still cannot cut circles they end up square.have checked calibration and it is correct but if i run at 4000 mm feed all comes out correct but if i change feed to say 2000 mm it makes the part small, like in tiny.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I'm going to use 2 stepper motors for my X-axis. Can I use the same connections on the B/O board to do this knowing I will need 2 separate driver boards.

  • I bought a gantry mounted spindle water cooler kit. I cut off the plug terminal on the end. There are three wires and it is labeled as a 12 V DC motor. How do I wire it to the power supply? No combination of connections seems to work. the fan runs fine. it

    The 12V power supply has 3 terminals for AC in: N, L and earth ground. The output of the 12V power supply has 2 DC + and - terminals. Cut the connectors off of the ends of the fan and pump wires. Strip the red and black wires of both units. The fan will connect to the 12V power supply red to the + and black to the -. The pump will connect in the same way, but the white is not connected.

    If you have a pump that has a grey and black wire on the large connector, the grey is the 12VDC V+ wire and the black wire goes to the V-. The extra wire does not need to be connected.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought a gantry mounted spindle water cooler kit. I cut off the plug terminal on the end. There are three wires and it is labeled as a 12 V DC motor. How do I wire it to the power supply? No combination of connections seems to work. the fan runs fine. it

  • I bought a gantry mounted spindle water cooler kit. I cut off the plug terminal on the end. There are three wires and it is labeled as a 12 V DC motor. How do I wire it to the power supply? No combination of connections seems to work. the fan runs fine. it

    The 12V power supply has 3 terminals for AC in: N, L and earth ground. The output of the 12V power supply has 2 DC + and - terminals. Cut the connectors off of the ends of the fan and pump wires. Strip the red and black wires of both units. The fan will connect to the 12V power supply red to the + and black to the -. The pump will connect in the same way, but the white is not connected.

    If you have a pump that has a grey and black wire on the large connector, the grey is the 12VDC V+ wire and the black wire goes to the V-. The extra wire does not need to be connected.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought a gantry mounted spindle water cooler kit. I cut off the plug terminal on the end. There are three wires and it is labeled as a 12 V DC motor. How do I wire it to the power supply? No combination of connections seems to work. the fan runs fine. it

  • I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindal?

    It is not necessary to connect the spindle VFD (Variable Frequency Drive also called an Inverter) to the computer or CNC motion electronics. The VFD can be controlled independently using the control panel on the VFD. The control panel has the ability to control all aspects of the spindle including Speed, Torque, limits, etc. However, you can connect the VFD to the computer so the CNC control program can control the spindle during the CNC Machine operation. You will need to connect the VFD to the computer via a serial conection (in this case, it is the RS-485 protocol).

    The following are instructions on how to connect the VFD to Mach3 via this RS-485 serial connection.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):
    - PD001 - value 2 - Enables with communication aspect of the VFD
    - PD002 - value 2 - Enables frequency control from the communcations port
    - PD163 - value 1 - VFD address
    - PD164 - value 1 - Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)
    - PD165 - value 3 - 8N1 RTU - 8 bits (that's the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don't want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    The question was how to connect the spindle to the redfy. I did not receive a VFD.
    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindle?

    Additional Information:
    If you received a spindle without a VFD, please contact us asap. Our spindle will not work without a VFD.

    Additional Information:
    Hi, how is this setup in mach4?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindal?

  • I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindal?

    It is not necessary to connect the spindle VFD (Variable Frequency Drive also called an Inverter) to the computer or CNC motion electronics. The VFD can be controlled independently using the control panel on the VFD. The control panel has the ability to control all aspects of the spindle including Speed, Torque, limits, etc. However, you can connect the VFD to the computer so the CNC control program can control the spindle during the CNC Machine operation. You will need to connect the VFD to the computer via a serial conection (in this case, it is the RS-485 protocol).

    The following are instructions on how to connect the VFD to Mach3 via this RS-485 serial connection.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):
    - PD001 - value 2 - Enables with communication aspect of the VFD
    - PD002 - value 2 - Enables frequency control from the communcations port
    - PD163 - value 1 - VFD address
    - PD164 - value 1 - Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)
    - PD165 - value 3 - 8N1 RTU - 8 bits (that's the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don't want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    The question was how to connect the spindle to the redfy. I did not receive a VFD.
    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindle?

    Additional Information:
    If you received a spindle without a VFD, please contact us asap. Our spindle will not work without a VFD.

    Additional Information:
    Hi, how is this setup in mach4?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle - 110V how do i connect the spindal?

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