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Question #: 15560

Question: [Mach3 USB Interface Board] Relay setting

Current Solution

The Mach3 USB controller does not contain an onboard relay; however, you can use the output to control an external relay. Follow this tutorial to control an external relay on this controller:

Make sure the output port is set to port 3. I did not mention this in the tutorial.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • [575] Is there any information on connecting and setting up a pendant.

    I would recommend using a wireless pendant, like here: https://amzn.to/49nAjkg (Affiliate link)

    I use this pendant on my machine and works quite well. If you have communication issues from the pendant to the dongle, there may be too much interference surrounding the dongle, and exposing the internal antenna works well. This is something I needed to do.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Is there any information on connecting and setting up a pendant.

  • [575] does this thc controls

    Unfortunately, all of the attemps I have made to use this controller with a THC did not work, so I would not recommend this board for plasma machines that use a THC. THe Pokeys57CNC controller will work with several THC controllers. I have used the Proma and the PlasmaSens controllers with the Pokeys57CNC.

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    [575] does this thc controls

  • [575] can you add a start cycle

    You can determine if the country is serviceable by:
    - selecting the items you want to purchase on the website
    - go to the cart (shopping cart top left of any webpage)
    - log in, or register
    - Enter the address and click on calculate shipping.

    The webpage will return the direct rates and whether your area is serviced or not. Feel free to enter any address as long as you are able to receive the package from that address.

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    [575] can you add a start cycle

  • [575] how many inputs on mach3

    There are 4 separate input terminals on the controller. However, you can add an unlimited number of sensors and switches to these inputs using a parallel wiring scheme for normally open circuits and a serial wiring scheme for normally closed circuits.

    Check out this video where I explain these wiring schemes in detail:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] how many inputs on mach3

  • [575] does it works with Fusion 360?

    Yes, the Mach3 USB controller works with the Mach3 control software, one of the most popular control software for CNC machines. Fusion360 has a Mach3 post-processor.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] does it works with Fusion 360?

  • [575] Does this support THC function?

    Unfortunately, all of the attemps I have made to use this controller with a THC did not work, so I would not recommend this board for plasma machines that use a THC. THe Pokeys57CNC controller will work with several THC controllers. I have used the Proma and the PlasmaSens controllers with the Pokeys57CNC.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Does this support THC function?

  • [575] Mach3 cutting in air above stock

    If you wish to test the cutting of a project, zero the z-axis above the workpiece more than the measurement of the final depth of the cut. Make sure you have enough travel for the clearance passes.

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    [575] Mach3 cutting in air above stock

  • [575] Can it control a safety charge pump ?

    The pulse stream is output directly from the onboard microcontroller on the Mach3 USB controller, so there is no need for a safety charge pump from the computer to the controller. Parallel port breakout boards were connected to the computer via GPIO pins (General Purpose Input/Output) and each pin dedicated to the step pulse would be output directly from those pins. In that case, a safety charge pump was needed.

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    [575] Can it control a safety charge pump ?

  • [575] Does this card support THC functions.

    This Mach3 USB controller does not support THC functions. I would recommend using the Pokeys57CNC controller instead.

    Here is a link to the Pokeys57CNC controller:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Does this card support THC functions.

  • [575] Can this card work with a gecko g540?

    Yes, the Mach3 USB controller can work with the Gecko G540 drives.

    Here are the connections you will need from the Mach3 USB controller to the G540:
    XP terminal to Pin 2 of the DB25 LPT connector
    XD terminal to Pin 3 of the DB25 LPT connector
    YP terminal to Pin 4 of the DB25 LPT connector
    YD terminal to Pin 5 of the DB25 LPT connector
    ZP terminal to Pin 6 of the DB25 LPT connector
    ZD terminal to Pin 7 of the DB25 LPT connector
    Any pins from 18 through 25 can be connected to the GND terminals next to the XP terminal.

    Pins 10 through 13 can be connected to IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Can this card work with a gecko g540?

  • [575] can the handwheel inputs be used for thc

    I have not tried using the handwheel inputs for anything other than for handwheel operation. I haven't had success using a THC with the Mach3 USB controller. The pokeys57CNC controller is a better solution for THC (torch height controller) and plasma cutter use.

    Here is a link to the okeys57CNC controller: https://buildyourcnc.com/item/electronicsAndMotors-electronic-component-breakout-Mach4-mach3-USB-ethernet-Board

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] can the handwheel inputs be used for thc

  • [575] Is it possible to run board on usb power

    Yes. You don't need to power the board with 24V. The controller will work with only a USB connection to the computer. However, the Input and output terminals (IN1-4 and OUT1-4) will not work without at least 12V on the DCM and 24V terminals.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Is it possible to run board on usb power

  • [575] Where can i find a xml file for maxh3turn?

    You can use the mach3turn in the mach3 loader and simply enable the motor outputs. For the inputs and outputs, make sure to use port 3 for the port number and reference the terminal description for the pin number (i.e. IN2 is Pin 2). Don't forget to use the plug RNRMotion.dll in the plugins folder first.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Where can i find a xml file for maxh3turn?

  • [575] Will this board operate a laser cutter and engraver

    You can adapt the Mach3 USB controller to control a laser, but I would not recommend it. A traditional laser controller that is designed to control a laser is far better since you can take advantage of more sophisticated features like sweep for engraving, and automatic adjustment of laser intensity for acceleration and deceleration. The Mach3 USB controller can move the axes and turn the laser on and off, but intensity control and engraving are not an option.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Will this board operate a laser cutter and engraver

  • [575] what would we use for the post processor? for vcarve

    The post-processor in Vcarve is the standard mach3 post-processor. Use the one with non-ATC if you don't have an automatic tool changer.

    Additional Information:
    Is there a video somewhere showing Mach3 with V-Carve?

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    [575] what would we use for the post processor? for vcarve

  • [575] Hi, Can I use this board with a closed loop stepper?

    Yes, this CNC controller can be used with closed-loop stepper drivers and motors. The loop for control and feedback is between the driver and the motor. The closed-loop driver receives step and direction signals, which this controller will output which furnishes the driver with the necessary signals to move the motor. Additionally, the closed-loop driver can output a fault signal to this controller through the controller's input terminals in case the motor should encounter a situation that prevents the motor from moving so the CNC can shut down.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] Hi, Can I use this board with a closed loop stepper?

  • [575] Could thi board be used for a plasma cutter with THC?

    I have had no success with this controller paired with a THC
    (Torch Height Controller) for plasma cutting. I would instead recommend the pokeys57CNC controller and the PlasmaSense and PlasmaSensOut THC controllers.



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    [575] Could thi board be used for a plasma cutter with THC?

  • [575] Instructions read 24v on the card, can it support 36vdc ?

    The power supply that is used to power this controller must be 24VDC maximum. Any higher voltage and the controller components can be damaged. The 24VDC power supply doesn't need to be a high amp power supply. I would recommend This power supply: https://buildyourcnc.com/item/electronicsAndMotors-power-supply-24v-1a-dc

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    [575] Instructions read 24v on the card, can it support 36vdc ?

  • [575] can we use two MPG for two axis independant axis movement

    You can use two MGPs (bare MPGs) to provide independent axis control. The handwheel input on this controller contains discrete inputs for the X, Y, Z, and A axes. These inputs can receive a pulse to move their axis. For instance, you can connect an MPG to the X-axis pin and the wheel will move the X-axis only.

    Of course, if you have a traditional pendant, you can move any axis independently from only a single wheel with a switch that selects the axis you wish to move.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] can we use two MPG for two axis independant axis movement

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