If your axis shutters and will not move unless moved by another force, that sounds like your acceleration is set too high. Lower the acceleration until it works well, then lower it a bit more to have a margin of safety.
Users response:
I've lowered my acceleration to 1 in the StepCon program and it still shutters when I jog it, anything else I could check?
Buildyourcnc response:
IF that didn't work, try swapping the X and Y drivers. That way you will pinpoint if the issue is the driver. If the proplem persists, then there may be an issue with the motor itself.
Buildyourcnc response:
The X and Y drivers can be easily swapped by swapping only the motor wires.
- Remove the x-axis motor wires from the X driver.
- Remove the Y motor wires from the Y driver.
- Insert the X motor wires into the Y driver.
- Insert the Y motor wires into the X driver.
Buildyourcnc response:
Now the Y-axis will move the gantry. Test the Gantry movement by moving the Y axis using the up and down arrow keys (mach3).
Users response:
Problem is now solved, I switched the X and Y at the redFly and got the same problem, so then I undid the wires going to each motor and switched them there and it I had a bad solder point in the X axis connector, thank you for the help
Buildyourcnc response:
You're very welcome. We will make sure to thoroughly check the solder points on the cable connectors prior to a redFly delivery.
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GreenBull 5x10 X axis shutters and spins out with acceleration at 1 in StepCon, is there anything else I can check?