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Question #: 7999

Question: The firmware for the whiteant I bought from you is not responding. How can I reload? Which firmware should I reload?

Current Solution

The first step would be to reinstall the required files. You can find detailed instructions for the software/firmware installation process here. https://www.buildyourcnc.com/whiteAnt3DPrinterandCNCMachine.aspx

If that doesn't work, you should send an email to techsupport@buildyourcnc.com giving your purchase information and the system you are running so we can provide more detailed support.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • how can I convert the whiteAnt from the 3D printer mode to the CNC milling mode?

    To convert the whiteAnt to a CNC machine, you will want to lower the upper structure to the lowest position to create the most rigidity overall. You will see that there are many holes below the sides of the upper structure that are evenly spaced. This is so you can adjust this lower. You will also want to fasten the lower sides to a substrate (piece of wood, or something) with l-brackets or something that has a bit of adjustment capability. This will keep the sides more rigid as well. Use a Dremel for the spindle. If you want to use a another spindle, let me know and we can product a mount for that spindle since the Dremel has poor runout (TIR). This is important if you are wanting really precise milling.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    how can I convert the whiteAnt from the 3D printer mode to the CNC milling mode?

  • Is there a firmware update in the last two years for your USB board? If so how do we get it and install? If not do you expect any updates? If updates are released how do we find out?

    The firmware update for the USB board is done by PlanetCNC. with your board hooked up to the computer via USB cable, log into PlanetCNC. Then, from the Machine tab on the toolbar choose firmware from the drop down and click on update.

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    Is there a firmware update in the last two years for your USB board? If so how do we get it and install? If not do you expect any updates? If updates are released how do we find out?

  • I bought an used machine that need work how can I find the model. The owner said, he used this site for parts and manual.

    If you purchased a machine that was used and you don't know which mode it is, you can browse our models here:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought an used machine that need work how can I find the model. The owner said, he used this site for parts and manual.

  • I bought a 2.2 Kw spindle and YL620 A-2 from you and am getting an ER 4 message. How do I fix it?

    If the VFD is presenting an ER 4 error, the VFD is most likely damaged. The VFD will either need to be serviced or you will need to purchase another VFD. The latter is probably the less expensive option, unfortunately.

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:
    i had that error and found a power in wire touching and fixed and started and all was good.
    good luck

    Additional Information:
    i had that error and found a power in wire touching and fixed and started and all was good.
    good luck

    Additional Information:
    i had that error and found a power in wire touching and fixed and started and all was good.
    good luck

    Additional Information:
    i had that error and found a power in wire touching and fixed and started and all was good.
    good luck

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought a 2.2 Kw spindle and YL620 A-2 from you and am getting an ER 4 message. How do I fix it?

  • I bought longs motor nema 34 stepper motor with 4 powers supply and dm860 from ebay, would you be interested in doing all the wiring for me? I pay you for you time

    We attempt to provide as many services as possible to fit the needs of the CNC community. For a quote on a custom job, please email customerservice@buildyourcnc.com and we will be happy to assist you.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought longs motor nema 34 stepper motor with 4 powers supply and dm860 from ebay, would you be interested in doing all the wiring for me? I pay you for you time

  • I received the 425 oz-in motor from you. Is it supposed to rotate freely by hand when not powered?

    It may be tough to rotate a stepping motor by hand prior to energizing it especially if it is a large motor above 400 oz-in.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I received the 425 oz-in motor from you. Is it supposed to rotate freely by hand when not powered?

  • 3d printer motors not moving fast enough. How should I configure the motor drivers?

    This will depend on the 3D printer that you are using and the mechanics involved. Specifically regarding the motor drivers, software is really what determines the speed of the motor. If the computer is not able to product the high number of pulses that is required for faster motion, then you can reduce the microstepping and configure the software appropriately for the new microstepping so the resolution is corrected (steps/inch or steps/mm).

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    3d printer motors not moving fast enough. How should I configure the motor drivers?

  • Hi, wanted to know if the whiteAnt can produce PCBs? If so, wich is the precision?

    It is best to use a subtractive fabrication method, or a chemical method to product pcbs. The subtractive method generally requires the use of a CNC router with a pcb isolation routing end mill that generally has a very sharp point to remove the copper material. The chemically etching method is where an acid is used (ferric chloride, or another acid) to dissolve copper where needed.

    If there is a method where a highly conductive material, mixed with a plastic that maintains a conductive property after the mix, and can use the standard deposition extruder, then the whiteAnt will be able to make PCBs.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Hi, wanted to know if the whiteAnt can produce PCBs? If so, wich is the precision?

  • How deep is the bed? As in, how far can I get the head from the base? On the VLXL.

    The distance from the tip of the nozzle (about 1.5 inches from the lens) to the frame that provides structure to the machine and the part of the machine that will hold the spoilboard is 3.25 inches. If you put a spoilboard of say .75" thickness, then you would have 2.5 inches remaining (or 4 inches from the lens).

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How deep is the bed? As in, how far can I get the head from the base? On the VLXL.


    Yes Mach3 is a great program. Our 3 axis is 6'X12'X3'using all BYCNC components (incl. redsprout)

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  • I need a resource, we bought 2 redfly systems and mach 4, We put one motor on for the x axis but cannot get it move. Can you direct us to some tutorial?

    Could you specify which breakout board you have? If you have a parallel port version, be sure that you have purchased the "legacy" parallel port version from Mach4. If this proves not to be the problem, please feel free to email us directly at techsuport@buildyourcnc.com or call 281-815-7701 for troubleshooting instructions.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I need a resource, we bought 2 redfly systems and mach 4, We put one motor on for the x axis but cannot get it move. Can you direct us to some tutorial?

  • Im in the market for a laser cutter with the ability to cut 8'x4' boards (different materials) and up to 5" height. I bought a greenbull 10'x5' a while back from you guys

    Here's a link to the blackTooth laser that we sell, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/blackToothLaserCutterAndEngraver.aspx. It will vary depending which materials you are using, but keep in mind on how deep you are cutting since the blackTooth only cuts 1/4" inch(dept) at a time.

    Additional Information:
    We will be carrying a 8' x 4' laser cutter in the near future. We will also design an attachment for the GreenBull to contain a laser tube at the head of the machine to convert a greenBull into a laser cutter.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Im in the market for a laser cutter with the ability to cut 8'x4' boards (different materials) and up to 5" height. I bought a greenbull 10'x5' a while back from you guys

  • Hello, I bought your 110v 2.2kw spindle and vfd. When I turn it on it reaches the full 24000 rpm, but will not let me decrease the speed. How Can I fix this?

    Are you using the control panel (front panel with the speed control knob known as he potentiometer)? Or are you attempting to use the computer to control the speed?

    Additional Information:
    I am using the control panel, however there is no knob on mine, just buttons.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Hello, I bought your 110v 2.2kw spindle and vfd. When I turn it on it reaches the full 24000 rpm, but will not let me decrease the speed. How Can I fix this?

  • When Blacktooth is powered on the motors get power but will not turn. What should I do?

    The motors could be wired incorrectly causing them to lock up. Make sure to check the wiring to make sure the X and Y are connected to the correct terminals.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    When Blacktooth is powered on the motors get power but will not turn. What should I do?

  • I have bought the vacuum pump controller, but the displayed pressure shows always 35.53. How can I make it work?

    That sounds like a faulty pressure sensor on the board. Call us and we can make an exchange.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have bought the vacuum pump controller, but the displayed pressure shows always 35.53. How can I make it work?

  • I just bought the 3 axis w/heavy gantry, will Mach 4 run well with this, and how large can I go with the cut area

    Yes Mach3 is a great program. Our 3 axis is 6'X12'X3'using all BYCNC components (incl. redsprout)

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I just bought the 3 axis w/heavy gantry, will Mach 4 run well with this, and how large can I go with the cut area

  • How deep is the bed? As in, how far can I get the head from the base?

    Which machine are you referring to?

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    How deep is the bed? As in, how far can I get the head from the base?

  • I bought a used cnc router. Can you make the electronics work?

    Yes, you can send your electronics to us for repair, or retrofit to work with either Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can send us an email at customerService@buildyourcnc.com to set up your appointment.

    Some of the types of CNC electronics we will consider.

    - We will work on electronics from other manufacturers as long as you are ok with the Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC control software for your CNC machine or CNC router.

    - We will repair or retrofit used CNC electronics.

    - Some customers find that electronics are overwhelming to put together so we will finish these electronics wiring and assembly for you.

    The cost for these includes labor cost for the time it takes to finish the CNC electronics repair or retrofit and for any parts that need to be replaced or added.

    Here is an example of CNC electronics that we worked on for a customer:

    This is the type of response that you can expect to receive after the CNC electronics are repaired or retrofitted to work under Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can see the entire work, which also shows the time involved. We also show what we were able to accomplish at the beginning of the video.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I bought a used cnc router. Can you make the electronics work?

  • Since you don't sell the hardware only package for the Blackfoot 4'x8' can you tell me what items I should look for for the chain sprockets, spacers to mount them to the 1/2" rod, and chain? All the other parts I can source from elsewhere

    I'm not sure I understand the question. You are looking for spacers or sprockets?

    Additional Information:
    Nevermind, I found my answer. Thank you

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    Since you don't sell the hardware only package for the Blackfoot 4'x8' can you tell me what items I should look for for the chain sprockets, spacers to mount them to the 1/2" rod, and chain? All the other parts I can source from elsewhere

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