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Question #: 15574

Question: my macine is in emergency mode. I have wired my micro switches in the NO position I have set port 1 for them using pins 10 and 11. I have selected active high and then active low still nothing. The diagnostic screen doesn't indicate the switchs.

Current Solution

I assume this question pertains to the Mach3 USB controller.

First, you will need to assign the e-stop input to an input that is connected to an E-stop, or to a free input pin. If you don't do this, you will never get Mach3 out of a reset mode. Also, make sure you assign the inputs in Mach3 to port 3.

Make sure to follow this tutorial:


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • I have the redleaf system for my black toe machine I have wired my limit switches in series NC after setting up in mach 3 I still get limit switch tripped after apply and ok setup can only run if I disable what am I doing wrong

    If you are using Mach3, the setting for the input pin 10 may be enabled as a default for use with the Emergency Stop. If there is no emergency stop on that pin, the reset will trip every time.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have the redleaf system for my black toe machine I have wired my limit switches in series NC after setting up in mach 3 I still get limit switch tripped after apply and ok setup can only run if I disable what am I doing wrong

  • I'm having trouble getting Mach3 to recognize my limit switches. I've eliminated everything back to the breakout board. I can directly connect Input 10 to GND on the breakout board while Mach3 is in autorecognize mode and Mach3 doesn't acknowledge anything.

    Have you tried a different input pin?

    Customer response:
    I've tried all pins: 10, 11, 12, and 13. I get the same non-response in each case.

    Recommended action
    There may be a problem with the board. If you are using our parallel breakout board, we can ship you a replacement (call us), otherwise, you will need to determine the problem with the vendor of the breakout board you are using.

    Additional Information:
    I have tried 3 different breakout boards from 3 different providers and they all do the same thing My limit switches are microswitches wired NC with each axis wired to the BO Board. I have checked each circuit and all is OK to the BO board. each circuit has continuity at the board and when any switch is pressed the circuit breaks. Mach 3 does not recognise that the switches are even there. They are configured as active low Do you have a suggestion.

    Additional Information:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I'm having trouble getting Mach3 to recognize my limit switches. I've eliminated everything back to the breakout board. I can directly connect Input 10 to GND on the breakout board while Mach3 is in autorecognize mode and Mach3 doesn't acknowledge anything.

  • When I start my spindle I get a emergency stop in Mach 3. I have run shielded cable and it is grounded at the VFD it is wired per you site instructions. any idea what to check

    You will definitely want to adjust your debounce setting in mach3 if your emergency or limit switch is engaging.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you try changing the denounce setting?

    Additional Information:
    Meant to say denounce.

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    When I start my spindle I get a emergency stop in Mach 3. I have run shielded cable and it is grounded at the VFD it is wired per you site instructions. any idea what to check

  • I have a usb cnc driver board on your 1'x3' cnc and i cant get the z+ limit switch to stop the machine in the provided software. It registers the button but doesn't inhibit movement. inversly the button works when selected as '-' for negative movement.

    All USB boards, are tested and checked before shipment for all axis, and inputs. Here is a link with clear instructions on how to setup Planet-CNC (http://www.planet-cnc.com/faq/machine_setup/).

    Please check continuity and for any crossover disruption when wiring your board, try to wire each as cleanly and with out crossing any live power wires and or motor motion wires.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a usb cnc driver board on your 1'x3' cnc and i cant get the z+ limit switch to stop the machine in the provided software. It registers the button but doesn't inhibit movement. inversly the button works when selected as '-' for negative movement.

  • I have nearly completed the CNC machine from the book, but I am using it with a USB breakout board, and have no idea how to wire the 6 limit switches to the board. I'm having difficulty following the diagram on the USB breakout board screen. Can someone please help me?

    Sure, the USB interface has a place for 4 axes of limit switches.

    Each axis can have two limit switches: one for the ++ (positive) end and one for the -- (negative) end. The positive end would be the limit switch at the end of the machine that, say the machine has a 4'x8' area, reaches a bit after the 8 foot mark. The negative end would be the limit switch behind the 0 foot location behind the origin. If the origin is in the middle, the negative would be at a little more than the -4 foot end and the positive would be at a bit more than the +4 foot end. Note that you can have more than one switch on each pin where the NC is connected in serial fashion and the NO is connected in parallel fashion (this can be seen on the diagram in the multiple limits switch section). The software configurations for the limits switches are under File -> Settings -> Limit.

    A typical limit switch has three connections on it. These connections consist of COM (common), NC (normally closed) and NO (normally open). The COM would generally go to GND and the NC or the NO would go to the pin. If the NC is used, then the the switch is constantly connected until the switch is pushed (engaged) then the connection from the pin to gnd is broken (open). Use the settings in software to set whether in NC or NO configuration.

    Let me know if this information was helpful (or not) by adding information to this question. Thanks.

    User response:
    Thank you very much for this helpful information. I'm still a little fuzzy on how the 6 limit switches physically connect to each other and to the USB breakout board. You've stated one switch (home) goes to positive and another switch (limit) goes to negative. Are all the GND prongs from all 6 switches connected to each other and going to GND on the breakout board, or no? And the NC prongs, how exactly are they connected to each other? And to the board? There has to be a diagram somewhere shows this visually, no? I don't know how to wire the switches in series or in parallel. I have already physically installed all the switches on the machine and ran the wires to where the board is. Now I just need to know where to plug these wires into the board. Also, taking into consideration that I'm using the Planet CNC software, the only settings I have pertaining to limit switches is "Enable/Disable" for each axis, and the actual limit for each axis. Nothing about NC or NO. Is that only in Mach3?
    Thank you.

    buildyourcnc response:
    On the USB interface, the COM on the switch connects to GND and the NC or NO connects to the input pin (i.e. x++, y--, etc.)

    Limit switch configuration is rather difficult to understand, especially with series and parallel. You can think of series as a single wire going from GND to the axis letter input terminal (i.e. X++ or X--). If the wire is broken, then the circuit is open (or the switch is engaged in a normally closed scenario). Normally closed is like an actual wire, and when engaged, the switch "opens" (breaks the wire). This is why we recommend in some systems that you can put many switches in series on a single pin. When one of the switches is engaged (breaking the connection) then the entire circuit of switches is broken and the machine stops.

    In a parallel scenario, the state of the circuit is always broken until the one of the switches is engaged and the circuit is then closed or connected. The topology looks like a ladder. All the switches connect to both sides of the ladder and the switches are like the runs of the ladder (the horizontal bars that the feet are placed while climbing). Imagine all of the switches broken in this scenario (normally open). It would be like the ladder could be split in two, but if one of the ladder runs (switches) is closed by engaging it, then that run would connect both sides of the ladder and the two sides of the ladder would have a connection.

    There is a diagram on the USB page of the various limit switch configurations. If you need more information (visual and/or otherwise), please let us know and we will immediately add that information to benefit everyone.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have nearly completed the CNC machine from the book, but I am using it with a USB breakout board, and have no idea how to wire the 6 limit switches to the board. I'm having difficulty following the diagram on the USB breakout board screen. Can someone please help me?

  • I have a 2000 WK 11–3 Z limit switches going to A c10r10 breakout board . Can I also use them as my home position as well. I need The wiring configuration

    No, you should not have received two parallel breakout boards in your CNC kit. You can return the extra item using standard shipping with COD. Our apologies for the confusion and the inconvenience.

    I will answer the other question as another FAQ. Please check the Customer Service page to see the answer to that question.

    If you have difficulty finding the answer, here is a link:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a 2000 WK 11–3 Z limit switches going to A c10r10 breakout board . Can I also use them as my home position as well. I need The wiring configuration

  • I have a single axis motion for my table saw fence. Motor, limit switches and e-stop work fine. I now need to add an air solenoid relay but I cannot get the outputs to work. I have 24v supply connected and tried using the Spindle output on pin 1. But using a multimeter, there is no voltage on the Output 1 terminal.

    Make sure that the port setting for that output is set to port 3. To do this in Mach3, click config -> Ports & Pins -> click the outputs tab and in the list of outputs, select the output you want to use and set the port to 3.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a single axis motion for my table saw fence. Motor, limit switches and e-stop work fine. I now need to add an air solenoid relay but I cannot get the outputs to work. I have 24v supply connected and tried using the Spindle output on pin 1. But using a multimeter, there is no voltage on the Output 1 terminal.

  • [59] is it ok to use one pin for all of the limit switches wired NC and another pin for a z probe that is NO, or do all input pins need to be the same (NC or NO)? I would like to use LinuxCNC but will use Mach3 if necessary. a thanks!

    It's generally acceptable to use one pin for all of your limit switches wired Normally Closed (NC), and another separate pin for a Z probe that is Normally Open (NO). LinuxCNC is quite flexible and allows for mixed configurations of NC and NO switches.

    Just ensure you configure LinuxCNC correctly to recognize each pin's logic (Active low or active high). And perhaps run a few tests before running the machine.

    Additional Information:
    It's generally acceptable to use one pin for all of your limit switches wired Normally Closed (NC), and another separate pin for a Z probe that is Normally Open (NO). LinuxCNC is quite flexible and allows for mixed configurations of NC and NO switches.

    Just ensure you configure LinuxCNC correctly to recognize each pin's logic (Active low or active high). And perhaps run a few tests before running the machine.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [59] is it ok to use one pin for all of the limit switches wired NC and another pin for a z probe that is NO, or do all input pins need to be the same (NC or NO)? I would like to use LinuxCNC but will use Mach3 if necessary. a thanks!


    No, you should not have received two parallel breakout boards in your CNC kit. You can return the extra item using standard shipping with COD. Our apologies for the confusion and the inconvenience.

    I will answer the other question as another FAQ. Please check the Customer Service page to see the answer to that question.

    If you have difficulty finding the answer, here is a link:

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  • Lost Comm with steppers: I have been running Mach3 with my Black Toe for years. This morning, I booted up, motors locked up. Started Mach, hit reset, and nothing. Can't move. Checked plugs. Diag screen says OK. What to look for? I have the BYOCNC Computer/contoller box.

    New clues. I loaded a different profile I have used for another machine and my Black Toe moves. Of course all the settings are different. I load my normal profile and no ports, pins, or outputs light up.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Lost Comm with steppers: I have been running Mach3 with my Black Toe for years. This morning, I booted up, motors locked up. Started Mach, hit reset, and nothing. Can't move. Checked plugs. Diag screen says OK. What to look for? I have the BYOCNC Computer/contoller box.

  • The relay doesn't have a A+ B - it has signal in god. 5v. / 0 S P. This has to go to my USB motion card wiring shows v+ goes to top of coil no number and comes out the bottom to #2 the relay I got from you is not that simple

    The relay is only used for devices like routers, spindles, coolant, mist, etc. The relay works like an automatic switch and will allow current to pass when the relay is engaged.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    The relay doesn't have a A+ B - it has signal in god. 5v. / 0 S P. This has to go to my USB motion card wiring shows v+ goes to top of coil no number and comes out the bottom to #2 the relay I got from you is not that simple

  • [575] I have finally got my limit switches wired and working - thank you. Can they also used as homing switches and if so it it just a question of looping the two inputs on the board i.e. the limit and home terminals IN2 to IN3

    You will want to connect the homing switches (which may also serve as your near limit switches) to different input terminals. It's ok to add more limit switches with the home switches, but each home should be on independent inputs. For example, connect home X and any other limit switch to IN1, connect home Y and any other limit switch to IN2, and so on. This will allow you to properly use the "ref all home" button in Mach3.

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    Additional Information:
    In the instructions (diagram 1) you show all the home switches connected in parallel? But here you say they need to each have their own inputs. "You will want to connect the homing switches (which may also serve as your near limit switches) to different input terminals." I dont see how the second and third axis can go home if the first axis has already closed the parallel circuit unless they back off a bit until the switch opens up again before the next axis goes to home? My machine has no limit switches so I assume they are home switches.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] I have finally got my limit switches wired and working - thank you. Can they also used as homing switches and if so it it just a question of looping the two inputs on the board i.e. the limit and home terminals IN2 to IN3

  • My pokeys57cnc board is showing the Probe active all the time. I have removed all connections to the probe inputs on the board including the grounds and it still shows active.

    Which input on the board are you using?

    Additional Information:
    I'm having the same problem, and the net is offering no answers. It was working fine, then quit. I'm guessing some kind of update broke it

    Additional Information:
    I'm having the same problem, and the net is offering no answers. It was working fine, then quit. I'm guessing some kind of update broke it

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    My pokeys57cnc board is showing the Probe active all the time. I have removed all connections to the probe inputs on the board including the grounds and it still shows active.

  • I purchased limit switches from you mounted them on my machine and wire them to the breakout for using pin 12 and the ground on the breakout board, after a few minutes I got a message about a limit switch trip. Am I supposed to use the extra outport on the board instead of the ground?

    Sure, the USB interface has a place for 4 axes of limit switches.

    Each axis can have two limit switches: one for the ++ (positive) end and one for the -- (negative) end. The positive end would be the limit switch at the end of the machine that, say the machine has a 4'x8' area, reaches a bit after the 8 foot mark. The negative end would be the limit switch behind the 0 foot location behind the origin. If the origin is in the middle, the negative would be at a little more than the -4 foot end and the positive would be at a bit more than the +4 foot end. Note that you can have more than one switch on each pin where the NC is connected in serial fashion and the NO is connected in parallel fashion (this can be seen on the diagram in the multiple limits switch section). The software configurations for the limits switches are under File -> Settings -> Limit.

    A typical limit switch has three connections on it. These connections consist of COM (common), NC (normally closed) and NO (normally open). The COM would generally go to GND and the NC or the NO would go to the pin. If the NC is used, then the the switch is constantly connected until the switch is pushed (engaged) then the connection from the pin to gnd is broken (open). Use the settings in software to set whether in NC or NO configuration.

    Let me know if this information was helpful (or not) by adding information to this question. Thanks.

    User response:
    Thank you very much for this helpful information. I'm still a little fuzzy on how the 6 limit switches physically connect to each other and to the USB breakout board. You've stated one switch (home) goes to positive and another switch (limit) goes to negative. Are all the GND prongs from all 6 switches connected to each other and going to GND on the breakout board, or no? And the NC prongs, how exactly are they connected to each other? And to the board? There has to be a diagram somewhere shows this visually, no? I don't know how to wire the switches in series or in parallel. I have already physically installed all the switches on the machine and ran the wires to where the board is. Now I just need to know where to plug these wires into the board. Also, taking into consideration that I'm using the Planet CNC software, the only settings I have pertaining to limit switches is "Enable/Disable" for each axis, and the actual limit for each axis. Nothing about NC or NO. Is that only in Mach3?
    Thank you.

    buildyourcnc response:
    On the USB interface, the COM on the switch connects to GND and the NC or NO connects to the input pin (i.e. x++, y--, etc.)

    Limit switch configuration is rather difficult to understand, especially with series and parallel. You can think of series as a single wire going from GND to the axis letter input terminal (i.e. X++ or X--). If the wire is broken, then the circuit is open (or the switch is engaged in a normally closed scenario). Normally closed is like an actual wire, and when engaged, the switch "opens" (breaks the wire). This is why we recommend in some systems that you can put many switches in series on a single pin. When one of the switches is engaged (breaking the connection) then the entire circuit of switches is broken and the machine stops.

    In a parallel scenario, the state of the circuit is always broken until the one of the switches is engaged and the circuit is then closed or connected. The topology looks like a ladder. All the switches connect to both sides of the ladder and the switches are like the runs of the ladder (the horizontal bars that the feet are placed while climbing). Imagine all of the switches broken in this scenario (normally open). It would be like the ladder could be split in two, but if one of the ladder runs (switches) is closed by engaging it, then that run would connect both sides of the ladder and the two sides of the ladder would have a connection.

    There is a diagram on the USB page of the various limit switch configurations. If you need more information (visual and/or otherwise), please let us know and we will immediately add that information to benefit everyone.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I purchased limit switches from you mounted them on my machine and wire them to the breakout for using pin 12 and the ground on the breakout board, after a few minutes I got a message about a limit switch trip. Am I supposed to use the extra outport on the board instead of the ground?

  • On the whiteant. I have an old/different kit bought from this website. When attaching my x y z limit switches there is no solder mask on the main motherboard to indicate x limit y limit or z limit. I need the limit switch pinout for the main cnc board located here. https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/3D-Printer-Component-electronicsAndMotors-3d-printer-mainboard

    The 3D main board does not have any writing on the solder mask to which specific 3 pin connections are for the 3 axes. However they do show pin 1 on the board itself, now in the link that was mentioned above and here(https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/3D-Printer-Component-electronicsAndMotors-3d-printer-mainboard#prettyPhoto/0/) will have the actual axes labeled. They are a bit hard to read, but should be as showed in the picture.
    Top(closest to 12v power terminal) to bottom(closest to blue or black capacitor):
    X-min, X-max, Y-min, Y-max, Z-min, Z-max, e-stop

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    On the whiteant. I have an old/different kit bought from this website. When attaching my x y z limit switches there is no solder mask on the main motherboard to indicate x limit y limit or z limit. I need the limit switch pinout for the main cnc board located here. https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/3D-Printer-Component-electronicsAndMotors-3d-printer-mainboard

  • I want to add limit switches but I have no connections on the breakout board. Can I use a usb interface board for the limit switches as well as the parallel port for the running?

    You can add a limit switch to either the USB or the parallel board. Please refer to the product pages for these items to view wiring diagrams.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I want to add limit switches but I have no connections on the breakout board. Can I use a usb interface board for the limit switches as well as the parallel port for the running?

  • I want to add limit switches but I have no connections on the breakout board. Can I use a usb interface board for the limit switches as well as the parallel port for the running?

    You can add a limit switch to either the USB or the parallel board. Please refer to the product pages for these items to view wiring diagrams.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I want to add limit switches but I have no connections on the breakout board. Can I use a usb interface board for the limit switches as well as the parallel port for the running?

  • I'm using Mach3. I have 2 limit switches on X, 2 on Y and 1on Z for retracted/home. I can go to diagnostics and see the switches/inputs working. But when I move with jog or gcode they have no effect. Also I can go right past the soft limits. I must have something turn off but I don't know what.

    Did you set them up as limit switches or home switches?

    Additional Information:
    Not sure where do I check that?

    Additional Information:
    Go to config, then ports and pins, then input signals.

    Additional Information:
    The limits are labeled x++, x— for example.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I'm using Mach3. I have 2 limit switches on X, 2 on Y and 1on Z for retracted/home. I can go to diagnostics and see the switches/inputs working. But when I move with jog or gcode they have no effect. Also I can go right past the soft limits. I must have something turn off but I don't know what.

  • I have wired up my 110v VFD and my 2.2Kw spindle and I get an E.Lu.5 code. My wiring is correct and the parameters are set to those for the VFD according to your website I found in a previously answered question from someone here. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

    The E.Lu.5 Error code on your VFD is related to Low Voltage.

    The recommended action is:
    - 1. Check whether the input voltage is normal. (the voltage from the wall/breaker to the VFD)
    - 2. Check whether there is a sudden change in load.
    - 3. Check whether there is any phase missing.

    Unfortunately, these three recommended actions will probable require an electrician to test the line going into the VFD.

    Additional Information:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have wired up my 110v VFD and my 2.2Kw spindle and I get an E.Lu.5 code. My wiring is correct and the parameters are set to those for the VFD according to your website I found in a previously answered question from someone here. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

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