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Question #: 3671

Question: How do I download software

Current Solution

That depends on the particular software package that you purchased. Mach3 and CamBam are downloaded at their respective websites and we send the license file through email. BobCAD and ArtCAM is sent as a CD in the mail.

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Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • How do I download the MDF Plans and cut List PDF file please

    You can see the component list on the hardware and plans machine (scratch build machine) since it is the same machine in the book:


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    How do I download the MDF Plans and cut List PDF file please

  • Where can I download the USBCNC software? The https://buildyourcnc.com/files/CNCUSB_20130308.zip link is dead.

    You can find the latest version here http://www.planet-cnc.com/index.php?page=download

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    Where can I download the USBCNC software? The https://buildyourcnc.com/files/CNCUSB_20130308.zip link is dead.

  • I ordered software for download and it hasn't arrived. It has been several hours. Please advise on the status.

    Depending on the specific software you have bought, it might require you to download the main software via their main website. While we will send you the license via email, to unlock the complete software capabilities.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I ordered software for download and it hasn't arrived. It has been several hours. Please advise on the status.

  • What kind of software do I need?

    For software, you will need some sort of CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to draw your designs (such as SketchUp, AutoCAD, Corel Draw, etc.).

    You will then need CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software to apply machine operations to your designs, and to export "G-code". We suggest CamBam. CamBam also has CAD capabilities, but they are quite limited and inefficient, so I would suggest using separate, dedicated CAD software.

    The final piece of software is for controlling the CNC machine. We suggest Mach3. This program reads the G-code and controls the movement of the CNC machine.

    CamBam and Mach3 can be found here: http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What kind of software do I need?

  • How can I control my VFD using Mach4 cnc control software?

    The best way to determine how to control your VFD using Mach4 is to read the MAch4 manual found here:

    You will find that there a a few ways to control the spindle/VFD on your CNC machine or CNC Router.
    - The first and easiest is to have your VFD's power controlled by a relay. This will allow your spindle to have on/off control through Mach4 with an output pin.
    - The second is to have a controller output a DAC voltage between 0-10 volts to control speed on the VFD/Spindle. There is a termial on the VFD to receive this signal line. The controller will also have an output that outputs a high or low and that can control the on/off on the VFD.
    - The third, and more difficult of the three methods is to use a USB to Serial adapter (USB to USART or RS-485). The Computer plugs into the adapter using a USB cable and the adapter uses the RX/TX to connect to the VFD's terminals for communication. This will provide a great amount of control. Mach4 will need a plug-in to make this option work.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How can I control my VFD using Mach4 cnc control software?


    The motor that is attached to the 4th axis is wired as follows:

    The motor should have red, green yellow and blue wires coming form the motor. The red and green are paired as one coil and the yellow and blue is paired as the other coil. You can wire the motor to a 3.0 amp driver with red to A+, green to A-, Yellow to B+ and Blue to B-

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  • where do I download the trial version of Mach 3

    You can download the Mach3 software at this link:

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    where do I download the trial version of Mach 3

  • I had to wipe my computer due to virus and now can not download the USB software again. I get a "unhandled exception" error message. Any suggestions?

    An unhandled exception generally means that, in the program code, the program is not checking against every possible exception that could occur. Most likely, this exception is caused by some limit that is being exceeded (or the other way around). I would remove any files that could be associated with the program, like setting files, or even register configurations associated with that software. Also, make sure that you completely update your version of windows.

    Check to make sure all of the drivers are current for your graphics hardware. Make sure that your graphics hardware works in other programs as well.

    If you upgraded the Windows version, check to make sure your graphics hardware is compatible with the new version of Windows. Unhandled exception issue may be associated with graphics hardware and compatibility.

    Customer Response:
    I've given up on the wiped laptop and loaded the program on a different computer using windows 8. At first it won't operate my CNC until I read on Planet-CNC forum about loading the drivers on windows 8. All working now. Will run through the calibrations again today. Thanks

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    I had to wipe my computer due to virus and now can not download the USB software again. I get a "unhandled exception" error message. Any suggestions?

  • How can I remove the text enhance malware adware hijacker software?

    If you would like to remove the malware or flash adware called text-enhance, follow the steps on this wab page: http://botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-text-enhance/

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How can I remove the text enhance malware adware hijacker software?


    You will need a cam program to create machining operations for the geometry in the .dwg file. The CAM program outputs these machining operations into g-code for the control program (planet-cnc) to use.

    I have a couple of tutorials that explain this concept.

    The following is an older video but get's the point across:

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  • Whereb can I find directions on how to install the Mach3 USB board with Mach 4 software? I do not have a parallell port.

    You can find instructions for the Mach3 USB here:

    You will probably need to use the Mach3 USB board with Mach3. We have not tested the Mach3 usb card with Mach4.

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    Whereb can I find directions on how to install the Mach3 USB board with Mach 4 software? I do not have a parallell port.

  • I bought and downloaded about 2 years ago, recently my PC that I use for my CNC crashed and now have to reinstall Mach3 but the license download has since expired. What I need to do to activate the software?

    I can send you a new license. All you need to do is email me at customerservice@buildyourcnc.com and state the name the license is under and I will send you another license.

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    I bought and downloaded about 2 years ago, recently my PC that I use for my CNC crashed and now have to reinstall Mach3 but the license download has since expired. What I need to do to activate the software?


    There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: http://www.macuser.de/forum/f53/3d-2d-cad-395058/#post4499316
    I've also read good things about punchCAD: http://www.punchcad.com/
    Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them.

    CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels.

    Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine.

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    EasyDNC for OSX

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    Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys!
    My email if needed is r1jastrzebski@gmail.com

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: http://www.macuser.de/forum/f53/3d-2d-cad-395058/#post4499316
    I've also read good things about punchCAD: http://www.punchcad.com/
    Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them.

    CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels.

    Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine.

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    EasyDNC for OSX

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    Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys!
    My email if needed is r1jastrzebski@gmail.com

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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  • ok I Build my CNC machine table and now need a complete set for motor and software how you can help me

    Yes, I will need to know more specifics of the machine so I can recommend the correct electronics.

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    ok I Build my CNC machine table and now need a complete set for motor and software how you can help me


    There are several CAD/CAM programs out there for MacOS. Here is a list of a few: http://www.macuser.de/forum/f53/3d-2d-cad-395058/#post4499316
    I've also read good things about punchCAD: http://www.punchcad.com/
    Of course, there is always SketchUp if you are in a pinch. There are a few CAM plugins for SketchUp as well, but I've never used them, so I can't vouch for them.

    CAD/CAM will get you as far as designing your parts and producing the g-code, but if you also want to run the CNC machine with your Mac, you will need a piece of software similar to Mach3 or EMC to run the g-code. I haven't been able to find anything like these programs that runs on Mac, so you may have to run Mach3 or EMC in Windows using Boot Camp or a virtual machine such as VMware or Parallels.

    Personally, I would use the Mac to do all the CAD/CAM, then use a cheap PC to run the CNC machine.

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    Additional Information:
    EasyDNC for OSX

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    Hi guys I’m new to the cnc and I’m beginning to learn how to operate and cad-cam software also my cnc runs on Mach3 my questions is if I should use MacBook to do all designs if I can have all this software to run on Mac or I have to use windows software to operate it? I have separate small computer connected to the cnc table who have Mach3 on it please help. Also if you know any other software much easy for beginners please let me know thank you guys!
    My email if needed is r1jastrzebski@gmail.com

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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    Hi , thank you for your advise!

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  • I purchased license for Mach3 yesterday. When do I receive download instructions and key?

    I will check

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    The license was purchased and the developer is sending you the license shortly.

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    I purchased license for Mach3 yesterday. When do I receive download instructions and key?

  • I want to use Planet-CNC software can I use Mach3 USB Board

    Planet-CNC is the control software. If you decide to use the USB controller, you will need to use the planet-CNC software as the control software. You will be able to use any of the CAM software applications with the planet-CNC control software.

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    I want to use Planet-CNC software can I use Mach3 USB Board

  • I look on your site and find nowhere to download Mach 3, Where is it?

    I just added a link to the Mach3 license page on our site:

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    I look on your site and find nowhere to download Mach 3, Where is it?

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