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Question #: 199


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Registration is recommended for a number of reasons. Many choose to register their works because they wish to have the facts of their copyright on the public record and have a certificate of registration. Registered works may be eligible for statutory damages and attorney's fees in successful litigation. Finally, if registration occurs within 5 years of publication, it is considered prima facie evidence in a court of law.


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    The United States has copyright relations with most countries throughout the world, and as a result of these agreements, we honor each other's citizens' copyrights. However, the United States does not have such copyright relationships with every country.

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  • Why should I use a spindle rather than a router?

    The spindle is quieter and has more consistent torque (It doesn't get "bogged down" when it starts cutting into material). It can be used with collets of varying sizes (not restricted to imperial sizes). It is water cooled and so it does not blow air downward to cool the spindle like the router does. The spindle is also machined with much higher precision than typical routers and will have a much longer life.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Why should I use a spindle rather than a router?

  • How should I connect the limit switches to my laser controller?

    If you are using the AWC708 or equivalent laser controller, the limit switches will connect between the EL input terminal and the GND terminal in normally open (NO) connection. Most limit switches can be connected as NO, or normally closed (NC).

    For instance, a limit switch for the X- limit will be connected from the ELX- terminal to the NO connection of the limit switch, then a connection from the GND terminal on the laser controller to the COM connection to the same limit switch.

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    How should I connect the limit switches to my laser controller?

  • How should I control a plasma torch, spindle and a laser on my CNC machine?

    It will depend on how you configure the machine to use the Laser and plasma. Is the laser on a separate gantry? That will determine the way you will connect the laser control system or if you use a typical CNC controller. The plasma will need inputs of THC on, THC up, THC down and outputs to trigger the plasma torch. I recommend the Pokeys57CNC for the plasma and you can also fire the laser with it, but you will not be able to do engraving with the laser unless you use a laser controller. If you use a laser controller, you will need to either build circuitry to switch the digital signals from which controller you will be using, or if you have the laser on a separate gantry, you can use a traditional laser controller connected to the stepper motor drivers on that gantry.

    Users response:
    I was planing on using same gantry, and installing plasma and laser module on z axis along the side with current router. Perhaps if it’s needed installing another z axis on current z axis. So that when I use plasma, router z will be homed and plasma z axis will be able to utilize thc.

    When you say “If you use a laser controller, you will need to either build circuitry to switch the digital signals from which controller you will be using,”
    If i install laser controller, pokeys and router motion card, do you mean all ( axis and router/laser/plasma) signals or just the one that controls router/laser/plasma?
    I was wondering if I could jump (parallel connect) axis signals from card to card without ?
    Also do you prefer ethernet card or usb?
    I really do appreciate your help :) thanx again.

    Buildyourcnc response:
    Not a problem at all.

    Remember that with all of that weight on the z-axis, you will not be able to do efficient raster style engraving.

    By putting the laser on another gantry, say at the far end of the table, then you would be able to use a laser controller that controls its own stepper motors and the nozzle can have fast swing motion for engraving. With the laser on the z-axis of the spindle (like see on the greenBull), you will only be able to do vector motions for the laser.

    You can also have a CNC interface and laser controller controlling the same stepper motor drivers, but you will need a few tri-state buffer chips where you can use a toggle switch for which controller has control of the drivers.

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    How should I control a plasma torch, spindle and a laser on my CNC machine?


    No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work.

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    Copyright protects original works of authorship, while a patent protects inventions or discoveries. Ideas and discoveries are not protected by the copyright law, although the way in which they are expressed may be. A trademark protects words, phrases, symbols, or designs identifying the source of the goods or services of one party and distinguishing them from those of others.

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  • What can I do if my cnc electronics doesn't work?

    Yes, you can send your electronics to us for repair, or retrofit to work with either Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can send us an email at customerService@buildyourcnc.com to set up your appointment.

    Some of the types of CNC electronics we will consider.

    - We will work on electronics from other manufacturers as long as you are ok with the Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC control software for your CNC machine or CNC router.

    - We will repair or retrofit used CNC electronics.

    - Some customers find that electronics are overwhelming to put together so we will finish these electronics wiring and assembly for you.

    The cost for these includes labor cost for the time it takes to finish the CNC electronics repair or retrofit and for any parts that need to be replaced or added.

    Here is an example of CNC electronics that we worked on for a customer:

    This is the type of response that you can expect to receive after the CNC electronics are repaired or retrofitted to work under Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can see the entire work, which also shows the time involved. We also show what we were able to accomplish at the beginning of the video.

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    What can I do if my cnc electronics doesn't work?


    Thank you for your inquiry about the risk to your embryo by using a cellular phone during pregnancy. Sometimes it is not made clear to the public that there are different kinds of radiation. The electrical fields from a cellular phone are nothing like x ray. The energy is so low in the electrical waves of cellular phones that it does not represent a risk to the developing embryo. If you use the cellular phone conventionally by placing it to your ear, you further reduce the exposure to the embryo, which is already extremely low because of the distance of the phone from your ear to your uterus. There are no studies dealing with the risks of cellular phones on the outcome of pregnancy in humans, but numerous animal studies indicate that the exposures from the phones do not represent a risk for birth defects or miscarriage. Of course you must realize that every healthy pregnant woman begins her pregnancy with a 3% risk for birth defects and a 15% risk for miscarriage. Good luck with your pregnancy.

    Robert Brent MD, PhD, DSc(Hon)

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    The spindle is quieter and has more consistent torque (It doesn't get "bogged down" when it starts cutting into material). It can be used with collets of varying sizes (not restricted to imperial sizes). It is water cooled and so it does not blow air downward to cool the spindle like the router does. The spindle is also machined with much higher precision than typical routers and will have a much longer life.

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  • Which 3 axis combo pack should I order to replace my millstar3 motors on my full size knee mill

    Measure the frame of the motors and the length of the motor. This should give a good idea on the type of motor and the torque. If you know the torque, please provide this information as well.

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    Which 3 axis combo pack should I order to replace my millstar3 motors on my full size knee mill

  • Will MDF slat wall make a good spoil board, or should I cut my own T slots in a solid MDF panel?

    MDF makes an excellent spoilboard, but I like to use regular old plywood. MDF may have some nasty constituents so I try to stay away from this material. Depending on your method of fixturing and clamping, you may not need t-slots at all, but that is up to you and your application. I just screw my workpiece down and I also simply screw my spoilboard down into my table (using a regulas hole pattern.

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    Will MDF slat wall make a good spoil board, or should I cut my own T slots in a solid MDF panel?

  • When connecting homing switches, should I use more than one input?

    It is ok to connect the limit/homing switches to the same input.  The machine will go through a procedure that will start with the first axis, hit the switch, pull off, move more slowly for better accuracy, then pull off again.  This procedure makes sure that the input is always in the correct state while homing.

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    Is it possible to have proximity switches I use for homing connected to one input too?

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    Is it possible to have proximity switches I use for homing connected to one input too?

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    When connecting homing switches, should I use more than one input?

  • [78] What size circuit breaker should I use for this spindle?

    The 2.2kW spindle has a power rating of 2.2kW or 2200 watts.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 220 volts, then 2200 watts / 220 volts is 10 amps, so a 15 or 20 amp breaker will work.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 110 volts, then 2200 watts / 110 volts is 20 amps, so a 25 or 30 amp breaker will work.

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    [78] What size circuit breaker should I use for this spindle?


    Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed

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  • What kind of wire should I use between the invertor and the spindle?

    The type of wire that should be used between the spindle and the VFD (Variable Frequency Driver also called the inverter) should be of stranded type and we use between 18 and 16 AWG.

    The total current is divided among the three coil wires, therefor a wire gauge of 16 should be sufficient.

    Currently we use 20AWG 4 conductor.

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    What kind of wire should I use between the invertor and the spindle?

  • how long should I expect a team of 2 to assemble and get it running?

    You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
    There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

    - PC with parallel port and USB port
    - 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
    - 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
    - 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
    (location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
    - General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
    - USB cable to power breakout board
    - Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
    - Router
    - (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
    - (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
    - End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
    - CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
    - CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

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    how long should I expect a team of 2 to assemble and get it running?

  • What wiring should I use to connect two motors for one axis?

    Yes, you can use 2 motors in the same axis output, however you will still need a driver for that motor! Also depending on the orientation on which you mount the motor you might have to invert the direction of the motor, and that will be simple by swapping the A+,A-, to the B+,B- locations and vice versa, from the driver to the motor wiring.

    Also you can run a slave motor using another axis on the board, and setting it up in the Planet-CNC settings.

    Planet-CNC/File/Settings/Axes, here you will enter 3 in the Number of Axes location, and then change the Function of the Axis 4 to Slave 1. There you will have the 4th axis or A-axis be a slave for the x-axis.
    Slave 1 - X-Axis
    Slave 2 - Y-Axis
    Slave 3 - A-Axis
    Slave 4 - B-Axis

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    Do you act as if it's one motor and it goes to one controller on the motherboard?

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    What wiring should I use to connect two motors for one axis?

  • What thermocouple or thermister should I use for the extruder hot end?

    The best choice would be a type K thermocouple.

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    What thermocouple or thermister should I use for the extruder hot end?

  • When I plug in my Pokeys57CNC interface, it does not work.

    There is a jumper next to the USB connector on the Pokeys57CNC interface. The jumper has a label "EXT/USB". Move this jumper to the USB position (with the interface unconnected) and then connect the USB. The status LEDs will light up when you do this.

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    When I plug in my Pokeys57CNC interface, it does not work.

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