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Question #: 15609

Question: [Mach3 USB Interface Board] Hi, for the manage the limit switches, is it possible to have, for example, the same limit switch for X-- and X homing? And what is the configuration in mach3? In my CNC machine they are in the same position. Thank you

Current Solution

Absolutely! You can have almost unlimited limit switches and home switches on this controller. It all comes down to the wiring scheme used. I recommend the home switches be on separate input terminals. For example, IN1 would have the X home switch, IN2 would have the Y home switch and, IN3 would have the Z home switch if you plan on using home switches for the Z axis.

Adding the limit switches, these can be located on any input you want, even on the IN1, 2 or 3. The wiring scheme I like to use is as follows:
- IN1 has the X home, X limit ++, and X Limit --
- IN1 has the Y home, Y limit ++, and Y Limit --
- IN1 has the Z home, Z limit ++, and Z Limit --

In most cases, the Limit -- is the same switch as the Home switch.

These can be wired as NC (Normally closed) as a serial scheme, or as NO (Normally open) as a parallel scheme.

To understand the limits and wiring schemes, check out this video:


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